Re: [翻譯] Prospect Profile #25: Steven Moya

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回一下12年前的文,結果今年Steven Moya來台灣加盟台鋼雄鷹(中職登錄名:魔鷹) 春訓連三場熱身賽打全壘打 (影片是第二天開轟,約19分10秒處,直接把球扛到鏡頭幾乎看不到落點) 貼來這邊來回顧板上之前文章,順便更新Moya動態~ ※ 引述《yyjack (小虎)》之銘言: : 原文網址: : Tigers Prospect Profile #25: Steven Moya : Steven Moya is a big, lanky outfielder with tremendous power from the left s id : of the plate, but had his ups and downs in his first year of full season bal l : with West Michigan, just barely breaking the Mendoza line, but flashing the : power swing with 13 home runs. What's next for Moya? : Steven Moya,這位高大的左打擁有無窮的長打淺力,在West Michigan度過跌跌撞撞的 : 一季,打擊率好不容超過Mendoza line"AVG.200",但13轟是一大亮點 : 現在他的下一步在哪? : Steven Moya : : Position: Outfielder : Height: 6-6 : Weight: 220 : Born: 8/9/1991 : Bats: Left : Throws: Right : Background : At least in part because of questions surrounding his hitting ability, Moya : slipped through the cracks during the 2008 international signing period and th : Tigers swooped in and got him at a relative bargain price. : 當年因為球探對Moya的打擊天分有所懷疑,讓他身價下滑,老虎則把握機會在開賣第三 : 已相對划算的價格把他標回家 : Still just 17-years old in 2009 Moya made his pro debut in the Dominican Sum me : League, posting a .250 average with eight doubles and six home runs. : 2009,17歲的Moya在多明尼加夏季聯盟首航,打擊率.250/8支二壘打/6轟 : (以他的年齡,長打表現已經很亮眼) : Though his numbers weren't awe inspiring, Moya came Stateside for the 2010 : season and was taken behind the wood shed in the Gulf Coast League, posting a : tough .190/.229/.299 line in 40 games for the Tigers. : 雖然成績看來不怎麼激勵人心,Moya在隔年還是來到美國,然後在菜鳥聯盟接受震撼教 : …(成績實在太悽慘,請自行查閱>"<) : His rough 2010 season didn't come without some developmental benefits as Moy a : made big strides heading into 2011 and when West Michigan needed an outfield er : later in the spring, Moya was promoted to the Midwest League. : 2010的慘痛經驗對他來說或許是向前邁進的一大動力,當2011年West Michigan缺外野 : 時,Moya取得這個機會 : 迷之聲:當年這個promotion被認為是短期動作,Moya很快就會回到A-或菜鳥聯盟, : Mark Anderson預測打擊率應該會在一成左右掙扎,結果他就這樣待滿一個球季, : 讓人跌破眼鏡,有點像前一年的Daniel Fields : In 86 games for the Whitecaps the 6-foot-6 Moya hit only .204 and struck out : 127 times against just 12 walks but he did managed ten doubles and 13 home r un : his home run total good for 25th in the league despite playing just over hal f : the season. : 成績詳見原文,請特別注意,在半季多一點點的場次竟然有13轟!! : Scouting Report : Moya is an absolute beast of a man. Standing 6-foot-6 and weighing in at a : listed weight of 220 pounds, he is one of the biggest players in the system an : he is likely still growing. With that size comes some significant coordinati on : issues for Moya as he is still learning how to control his body in space. : Moya就是個半獸人,19歲就有6尺6吋(198)220磅(100KG),已經是整個農場最大支的球 : 之一,而且他還會繼續長到跟大樹一樣高。 : 將來,如何身材的控制會是Moya的一大課題,同時他也還在學習如何習慣這樣的身體 : Moya's size and natural strength give him 80 raw power, though much of that : power is still absent in game situations. He has a long swing - as most powe r : hitters do - and he doesn't adjust well to pitches, leaving him vulnerable t o : flailing at balls out of the strike zone and piling up strikeouts. : Moya靠著身材尺寸跟天生神力,raw power輕鬆拿到 80-grade滿分!!雖然大部分還未 : 展現在正式比賽中。 : 跟其他大砲一樣,他有過長的揮棒軌跡,同時缺乏球路辨識能力,搞得自己面對壞球就 : 容易受傷的小男孩,領老K下場 : He made good strides in extended spring training last year, enough that the : Tigers believe he could become a .250 hitter if given enough time to develop : his swing path and pitch recognition skills. It will take a lot of work, but : a .250 average would give Moya the potential to crank 25-plus home runs : annually, if not more. : 去年在延長春訓有可觀的進步幅度,大到球團相信他能夠只要繼續努力,也許能夠爬上 : .250,對Moya來說或許就夠了,因為他至少一年貢獻25+全壘打沒有問題 : Moya is below-average defender in right field now, but much of that stems fr om : his coordination issues. He gets a good jump on the ball but runs wide route s : and is often clumsy as he approaches the ball and tries to slow down for it. I : his coordination improves as he reaches complete physical maturity, he could b : an average defender. He has arm strength but takes a long time to get rid of : the ball. : Moya現在的右外野防守是below-average,不過大部分要歸咎於他過於巨大的身材,對 : 飛球有不錯的判斷,但每當想要減速彎下腰撿球時,看起來就是很辛苦…當以後他把 : 身體練得更壯,體能更加進步,有機會成長為average的防守者 : 另一面,他有不過臂力,不過傳球動作實在太大太慢啦~(因為手太長嗎@_@) : Moya is a below-average runner that will likely continue to slow down as he : bulks up and fills out his massive frame. There are some scouts that believe : quite firmly he will not be able to stay in the outfield and will end up at : first base, while others think he'll be more of the plodding defender whose ba : is forced to pick up the slack. : 速度方面,Moya現在就已經不快了,未來只會越來越慢;部分球探根深蒂固地認為他 : 最終會慢到只能到一壘紮營,其他則反對!認為如果他的棒子順利成長,防守不要太差 : 是可以接受的 : 迷之聲:這又不經讓我想到大猛,可惜我一直讓為他的棒子彌補不了他的手套… : The developmental road is likely to be extremely long for Moya. His physical : coordination will have to come before his actual baseball skills continue to : take additional steps forward. His incredible power potential gives him an : outstanding ceiling but he is also extremely unlikely to approach that lofty : projection. : Moya離成功之路還很長,而他必須先把自己的身體狀態顧好,接著才能讓球技更上一層 : 因為驚天炮瓦,讓他的天花板高得有如哈里發塔,不過要爬到頂端的機會一樣微乎其微 : 我們可以繼續抱著夢想前進 : Performance : Level Team AB AVG 2B HR RBI SO BB OBP% SLG% : A West Michigan 323 .204 10 13 39 127 12 .234 .362 : Health Record : Moya has been injury free throughout his three-year career. : 三年職業生涯,無病無痛,痛痛通通飛走~~ : The Future : It would be shocking if the Tigers sent Moya anywhere but West Michigan to : start the 2012 season. He could end up back in extended spring training if h e : struggles this spring but given his performance with the 'Caps last year he : seems destined for a repeat tour of the Midwest League. : 除非球團腦袋秀逗或Moya被雷打到開天眼了,不然以上季表現,新球季重回West Michi ga : 是最合理的結果。如果春訓表現不好,待在延長春訓繼續教育也有可能。 : It is conceivable that Moya could spend the better part of three or four yea rs : at the Tigers two A-ball clubs and it wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing gi ve : where he is on the developmental arc. Moya's raw potential requires patience : and the Tigers are sure provide just that. : 如果Mayo接下來花個3~4年在1A層級打轉,無須訝異更不必歡喜,對他的成長也未嘗不 : 壞事,他有足夠的淺力,值得我們等待他發光發熱 : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址:

02/26 14:46, 1年前 , 1F
02/26 14:46, 1F

03/29 06:17, 11月前 , 2F
03/29 06:17, 2F

03/29 15:01, 11月前 , 3F
03/29 15:01, 3F

03/30 18:06, 11月前 , 4F
希望今年能打出競爭力 讓老闆打開荷包 明年才有本錢在
03/30 18:06, 4F

03/30 18:06, 11月前 , 5F
03/30 18:06, 5F

03/31 04:37, 11月前 , 6F
前田爆炸 感覺身手不太行了
03/31 04:37, 6F

04/01 01:48, 11月前 , 7F
04/01 01:48, 7F

04/01 04:52, 11月前 , 8F
04/01 04:52, 8F

04/01 08:42, 11月前 , 9F
今天主審也太捧場 看到Flaherty今天好幾K都在九宮格外
04/01 08:42, 9F

04/01 08:42, 11月前 , 10F
而且還是滿球數的情況下 也有可能是Rogers手套拉太好
04/01 08:42, 10F

04/01 08:42, 11月前 , 11F
04/01 08:42, 11F

04/01 08:44, 11月前 , 12F
Ibanez也不錯 有延續春訓的好手感 把握代打的機會攻下
04/01 08:44, 12F

04/01 08:44, 11月前 , 13F
04/01 08:44, 13F

04/01 08:45, 11月前 , 14F
倒是Keith要再多加油啊 都打不太到球
04/01 08:45, 14F

04/01 13:17, 11月前 , 15F
04/01 13:17, 15F

04/01 14:28, 11月前 , 16F
好像是為了幫老闆經營的披薩店打廣告吧 little Caesar
04/01 14:28, 16F

04/01 14:28, 11月前 , 17F
04/01 14:28, 17F
文章代碼(AID): #1bs487PO (DET_Tigers)
文章代碼(AID): #1bs487PO (DET_Tigers)