Re: Hamilton:Alonso不跟我說話了

看板FORMULA1 (F1 賽車)作者 (歪的貓)時間17年前 (2007/08/07 12:45), 編輯推噓22(2201)
留言23則, 20人參與, 最新討論串1/3 (看更多)
Reproduced with kind permission of the FIA 1st Lewis Hamilton (McLaren), 1h35m52.991s; 2nd Kimi Raikkonen (Ferrari), 1h35m53.706s; 3rd Nick Heidfeld (BMW Sauber), 1h36m36.120s. Q: Lewis, you led every lap from the pole – an amazing day for you with Kimi Raikkonen right behind you giving you pressure all the way. 問:場面話 Lewis Hamilton: Yeah, it’s been an eventful weekend and quite emotional for all the team, I think. We made a really good step forward, the team has been working so hard to improve the car and we came here with a great package. We still weren’t sure whether we would be ahead of the Ferraris but as you could see in the race, they obviously had great pace. Quite early on in the race – in the second stint – I had a problem with my steering, don’t really know what that it was but it made it quite difficult to keep the pace. As you could see, I dropped off a little bit and I was a bit nervous that something was going to break, but thank God it didn’t. But I was told by the radio that everything was fine, so I just had to keep on pushing. Kimi was on my tail for quite a long time and so pushing right to the last lap. He drove a fantastic race, really enjoyed it, but it’s good that we’re back at the top after an eventful race at the last race so it’s good. 腿:一大段場面話,最後居然能幹掉法拉力,真是想不到啊, 雖然轉向後來出了點小問題,害我跑的很不爽,可是老子我技術取勝, 稱讚Kimi的場面話,反正我們贏啦,真爽。 Q: Can you be a bit more specific about the steering problem, and then talk a little bit about the difference between the two tyres – obviously you had the softer tyre in the last stint. Kimi was very very near you there, a question of the graining perhaps and the tyre cycle. 問:請詳細描述一下轉向的問題, 還有兩套輪胎的差異,二停後改用軟胎,讓 Kimi 追上來是因為這樣嗎? LH: To be honest, I don’t know what was wrong with the steering. It was just steering a bit to the right, so we have to investigate that. With the tyres, the first stint was very good, we had great pace, very consistent and I was able to keep pushing and pushing and improving my time, and then we went to the… after the first pit stop, again, the same tyres, but I struggled at the beginning. I had great rear end traction, but it was pushing into understeer, plus I got a lot of traffic, so Kimi was able to close the gap, and I think he was a bit lighter than me as well, five or six laps, which I knew, so I had to manage my tyres, knowing that in the five extra laps I had, I really had to pull out the gap which I did, I think, and he came out quite a bit further behind than he was. But then the option tyre, the super soft tyre – I was very very impressed (with it), because during the weekend we thought the graining would be too bad, so bad that we would slow right up. I think Kimi was slightly faster there, and with the problem it was tricky, but I just kept pushing, never give up and just kept pushing right to the last lap. 腿:其實我也搞不清楚哪理出問題,一開始都很順,跑得很爽,一停之後明明用了一樣 的輪胎卻害我一開始跑的很掙扎,後輪的抓地力很好,可是這樣會跑成轉向不足, 而且遇到很多慢車,所以才會讓 Kimi 越追越近,而且我猜他的車比我輕一點,會 早我五、六圈進Pit ,所以我試著掌控好輪胎,把握多出幾圈的優勢,把秒數拉開 …可是講到二停換的那套超軟胎實在讓我很不甲意… 所以講些場面話,反正就是贏啦。 Q: Difficult to remember that you’re still a rookie in your first season, with all that pressure, throughout the race, with Kimi behind you. Just talk us through the mental approach you had from the start right through to the end. 問:場面話,你是怎麼保持頭好壯壯從頭領先到尾。 LH: Well, you can imagine, all the drama that’s gone on over the weekend, it would have been easy to lose focus. It’s been a bit of a downer on the team, but the great thing is that the team remains positive and the energy in the team still remains. And it just proves that there’s nothing that can stop us. So with that in mind, I’m able to get in the car and do my job and obviously I know how to win races. I’ve experienced having Kimi up my tail a couple of times this year, especially in Malaysia, so with that experience, today was a slightly easier but still nevertheless it was a hard race. 腿:嗯,你能想像,麥拉拉劇場隨著這週末的結束而落幕, 這很容易讓人失焦(比賽的本身),車隊的氣氛有點低迷,但是至少我們還記得要贏。 講些場面話。 今年Kimi盯著我的車尾燈很多次啦,我的菊花早已很有經驗(誤), 這場還不算最激烈的,雖然還是很辛苦。 ================== 滷蛋跟Dororo省略的分隔線 ================== Q: Lewis, a certain irony in the weekend. By your own admission you did change things a little bit yesterday in Q3 in terms of the team strategy and you ended up on the pole and you’ve won the Grand Prix. You didn’t get the fastest lap, an ironic day in some respects. 問:這週末發生了一些爭議,因為你在第三段排位時違抗了車隊的策略, 所以就算你沒跑出最快單圈,還是拿下了桿位,並且贏得比賽, 之後應該會被鄉民跟記者酸上幾天。 LH: Yeah, I don’t know really what to say about that but all I know was I think today, with some of the problems I had, it probably made it one of the hardest races I’ve ever had to do, so it’s even more satisfying that I had to push that bit extra to keep Kimi behind. But just to get the points - it’s so important for me and I think for the moral of the team to show that we have the pace and that we can beat everyone. 腿:是啊,我也不知道該講啥,當然我自己也有一些錯,這場比賽可能是我遇過最艱辛 的一場…所以Kimi一直在我後面,讓我舒服多了(誤)。 重點是我有得分(所以車隊沒分就算啦),最後講些場面話。 PRESS CONFERENCE 等等再翻,先吃個飯 :p -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(

08/07 12:50, , 1F
之後應該會被鄉民跟記者酸上幾天 XDD
08/07 12:50, 1F

08/07 12:52, , 2F
如果以後人類講話都可以這樣講 多麼地直接啊 XDDD
08/07 12:52, 2F

08/07 12:53, , 3F
要講場面話的時候 就直接說“場面話”就帶過 多好
08/07 12:53, 3F

08/07 12:56, , 4F
場面話 科科 XD
08/07 12:56, 4F

08/07 12:58, , 5F
突然想到我們也可以來個超高速翻譯 請見Angels版
08/07 12:58, 5F

08/07 13:00, , 6F
08/07 13:00, 6F

08/07 13:16, , 7F
08/07 13:16, 7F

08/07 13:30, , 8F
場面話 XDDDD (車隊沒分就算啦)感覺很賤耶 XDDD
08/07 13:30, 8F

08/07 13:35, , 9F
其實天使是最早的 大家不要忘了Levi喔
08/07 13:35, 9F

08/07 13:47, , 10F
其實精彩都在後面 XDDDDDDDD
08/07 13:47, 10F

08/07 13:48, , 11F
超高速翻譯f1版 XD
08/07 13:48, 11F

08/07 13:51, , 12F
08/07 13:51, 12F

08/07 14:01, , 13F
推場面話快速翻譯 XDDDD
08/07 14:01, 13F

08/07 14:14, , 14F
understeer 是轉向不足 不是轉向過度
08/07 14:14, 14F
啊,感謝,我沒看清楚 ^^; 已修正。

08/07 14:30, , 15F
好棒的翻譯 XDDD
08/07 14:30, 15F

08/07 14:36, , 16F
08/07 14:36, 16F
※ 編輯: wildcat 來自: (08/07 14:44)

08/07 15:06, , 17F
笑的東倒西歪~~推場面話~~~ ^O^
08/07 15:06, 17F

08/07 16:23, , 18F
08/07 16:23, 18F

08/07 16:44, , 19F
因為板大還沒修練滷蛋語? XD
08/07 16:44, 19F

08/07 20:26, , 20F
08/07 20:26, 20F

08/08 02:17, , 21F
08/08 02:17, 21F

08/08 02:57, , 22F
翻譯也要進 PIT 加油換胎 XDDDD
08/08 02:57, 22F

08/08 23:22, , 23F
場面話好好笑又好寫實 XDDD
08/08 23:22, 23F
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