Re: [閒聊] Webber表示

看板FORMULA1 (F1 賽車)作者 (炸蝦沾釀)時間14年前 (2010/05/31 09:17), 編輯推噓10(1003)
留言13則, 11人參與, 最新討論串2/3 (看更多)
以下是灑狗血賽後記者會: Q: (Bob McKenzie – The Daily Express) Mark, you might not have seen it because you were busy driving but as Sebastian walked away from the car, on a couple of occasions, he gave the global sign for mental. Do you think you were in any way responsible for what happened? 記者問:馬克,你當時在場上衝衝衝可能沒有看到,就是當賽巴斯丁走出車子 離開賽道時,因為某種原因,情緒性地做了一些手指繞圈圈的動作。你認為這件事情 是你要負責任嘛? MW: No. 馬克表示:嘎哇某關黑(這需要翻譯嘛?) Q: (Bob McKenzie – The Daily Express) What do you think about his idea of the mental stuff? 記者問:你對於他這種情緒性的作為有什麼看法? MW: It’s when the adrenalin’s flowing. 馬克表示:這不過是腎上腺素Jizz罷了。 Q: (Bob McKenzie – The Daily Express) Was it entirely his fault then? 記者問:那這是否完全是賽巴斯丁的錯? MW: Oh, if I wasn’t there, there wouldn’t have been contact obviously, but we were there together and it wasn’t the easiest thing to predict what he would do in that split second. Unfortunately there was contact. 馬克表示:(想婊我?)喔~如果我不在那邊,顯然就不會碰碰車了(廢話), 我們同時出現在那個彎腳,在秒間要預測他會如何行動並不是件簡單的事情。 很不幸地結果就是我們碰碰了。 Q: (Bob McKenzie – The Daily Express) Was he just trying to make room for himself? 記者問:所以他當時是想要自己卡些空間出來? MW: Absolutely, yeah. 馬克表示:耶~當然。 Q: (Bob McKenzie – The Daily Express) But wrongly. 記者問:但是是錯誤的? MW: Aah, pretty quick. 馬克表示:(喵喵的又想婊我?)阿~速度實在很快捏。 Q: (Tony Dodgins – Tony Dodgins Associates) Mark, you managed to keep the F-duct cars behind you for 40 laps. I know you told us we’ve got to dig a bit more but were you slower on that lap that Seb caught you, or not? 記者(換人了)問:馬克,你領先了麥拉拉40圈,雖然你叫我們多念點書再來(?) 不過我還是想問,你在那圈出彎的時候是不是有點慢? MW: I wasn’t too slow, no. 馬克表示:沒有好不好,拎杯怎麼可能慢? 記者真是惟恐天下不亂。 -- 小姐......一個人嗎...?! 不...肚子裡還有一個... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

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05/31 20:47, , 13F
那時 Vet 還哭起來咧
05/31 20:47, 13F
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