Re: [閒聊] Webber表示

看板FORMULA1 (F1 賽車)作者 (炸蝦沾釀)時間14年前 (2010/05/31 01:05), 編輯推噓11(1108)
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為了彌補我鳥鳥的聽力,補一下逐字翻譯。 Mark Webber (3rd) “Sebastian had a bit of a top speed advantage, he went down the inside and we were side by side. I was surprised when he came right suddenly, as I was holding my racing line. It happened very, very fast and it’s a shame for the team. Not an ideal day. The McLarens were solid and it was a good race between all four of us up at the front until then, neither of us wanted to make contact with each other. It’s obviously not ideal, but it happened. There was a long way to still go in the race, but that was an interesting few metres on the track between both of us. In the end it wasn’t the result that either of us wanted. We’ve got great character in our team and two fast drivers at the front - we’re not dicing for 15th and 16th - we’re going for victories so there’s clearly a lot at stake. I’ll have a chat with Sebastian about it, we might have a difference of opinion but we’ll be adults about it and press on.” 賽巴斯丁在極速上有優勢,然後他從內側跑了出來然後我們並排咧。 當我保持在我的路線上時,我很訝異他衝出來的那麼突然。 這件事情發生地拿麼的快,對於車隊真的是傷當可惜。並不是個理想的一天 麥拉拉們表現的傷當好,我們四個從頭排到尾都是前四,但是我們當然都 並不想與任何人相擦碰。很顯然的那並不是件理想的事情,但他就是發生了。 賽道是拿麼的長,可是有趣的是我們之間卻僅僅相距拿麼幾公尺。最後結果 並不是我們所期望的。在隊上我們都扮演了絕佳的角色而跑在了隊伍的前排 並不是在後面喇低賽。我們眼中只有勝利,也因此會有些風險。我會跟賽巴斯丁 好好聊聊這個事件,我們或許有不同的意見,但是在這個事件上我們會表現地 像個成年人唷! Sebastian Vettel (DNF) “If you watch it on the TV, you can see what happened. I’m not in the happiest of moods. I was on the inside going into the corner. I was there, I was ahead and focusing on the braking point and then we touched. Mark’s car hit my rear right wheel and I went off – there’s not much more to say. We were all on the same pace during the race, I think I was a bit quicker than Mark for two or three laps, I was catching him and thought I could get him on the back straight. I was very close and passed him on the left, that’s the story. This is something that happens, no one needs it, but there’s not much you can do now.” 如果你有看電視,你就知道發生了啥事。我心情並不是很蘇胡。 我在內側並且正要入彎,我在那邊,專心向前衝並且注意煞車點,阿然後就撞到了。 馬克的車撞到了我的右後屁輪,然後我就噴了。沒啥好說的了啦~(茶) 我們在比賽中都保持了相似的節奏,我想我有兩三圈比馬克快上一點。 我追隨著他的車尾燈並且心想我甚至可以直接讓他聞我的廢氣。 我非常的靠近他然後從他的左邊超了過去,就是這樣~ 事情就是這樣花生,沒有人樂見,但是現在也沒啥辦法(攤手) -- 這個嘛... http://123.342.123.321.231.321 選哪個好呢? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

05/31 01:06, , 1F
05/31 01:06, 1F

05/31 01:07, , 2F
一個撞車 各自表述
05/31 01:07, 2F

05/31 01:09, , 3F
倒數第三行 XDD 聞我的廢氣XD
05/31 01:09, 3F

05/31 01:10, , 4F
05/31 01:10, 4F

05/31 01:10, , 5F
05/31 01:10, 5F

05/31 01:10, , 6F
05/31 01:10, 6F

05/31 01:11, , 7F
那你叫Webber跑快一點不要被追上啊 XD
05/31 01:11, 7F

05/31 01:11, , 8F
05/31 01:11, 8F

05/31 01:15, , 9F
05/31 01:15, 9F

05/31 01:15, , 10F
05/31 01:15, 10F

05/31 01:18, , 11F
05/31 01:18, 11F

05/31 01:19, , 12F
05/31 01:19, 12F

05/31 01:21, , 13F
Jenson Button說的 某年Monaco 開著鳥鳥的轟打
05/31 01:21, 13F

05/31 01:31, , 14F
05/31 01:31, 14F

05/31 01:31, , 15F
05/31 01:31, 15F

05/31 02:04, , 16F
想借問一下 哪裡有Lewis 和jason互超的影片,找好久,
05/31 02:04, 16F

05/31 02:04, , 17F
05/31 02:04, 17F

05/31 02:13, , 18F
四樓要不要分享一下 你是怎麼做出這種結論的呢?
05/31 02:13, 18F

05/31 02:34, , 19F
傷當可惜 XDDD
05/31 02:34, 19F
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