Re: [閒聊]我的暑假充滿了Kobe
其實 Kobe能夠在各項方面都有高超的水準
A couple of summers ago Kobe Bryant transformed his body
by adding muscle mass to his skinny frame
I was impressed with his results
and got a copy of his self named "666 Routine"
"The 666 routine" stands for 6 hours a day
6 days a week 6 months of training
Of course most of us don't have 6 hours a day to work out
so I listed below his weight training regimen
His workout also includes 2 hours of running
2 hours of basketball
and 1 hour of cardio (boxing jump rope in Kobe's case)
to go along with 1 hour of the exercises listed below
幾個暑假之前 Kobe Bryant 在他很瘦的身體上加強了他的肌力 來鍛鍊他的身體
我對他的結果感到印象非常深刻 所以去找到他自稱 “666例行訓練課表”
666代表著 每天6小時 每週6天 以及6個月的訓練
因為不是每個人都能花每天6小時來鍛鍊自己 我決定列出他的重訓內容
他平時的訓練包含了2小時跑步 2小時籃球 1小時的有氧 以及下面所列的1小時重訓
Day 1 & Day 4
Bench press 躺舉
Lat pull-downs 高拉機訓練機
Incline press 上斜推胸
Military press 肩部推舉
Abdominal crunches 腹部訓練
Day 2 & Day 5
Lateral dumbbell raises 啞鈴側舉
Bar dips
Triceps press-downs 三頭肌訓練
Bicep curls 二頭肌訓練
Abdominal crunches 腹部訓練
Day 3 & Day 6
Back squats/Front squats 蹲踞
Leg curls 腿部訓練
Leg extensions 腿部伸展
Calf raises 小腿抬舉
Abdominal crunches 腹部訓練
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(
◆ From:
08/08 14:20, , 1F
08/08 14:20, 1F
08/08 14:42, , 2F
08/08 14:42, 2F
08/08 14:44, , 3F
08/08 14:44, 3F
08/08 21:27, , 4F
08/08 21:27, 4F
08/09 13:58, , 5F
08/09 13:58, 5F
08/09 14:04, , 6F
08/09 14:04, 6F
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