[轉錄][外電] MVP year for Bryant?
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作者: drunken (aDistanceThereIs) 看板: Lakers
標題: [外電] MVP year for Bryant?
時間: Fri Mar 7 13:07:53 2008
來源: http://www.dailynews.com/lakers/ci_8456942
MVP year for Bryant?
By Elliott Teaford, Staff Writer
Article Last Updated: 03/04/2008 10:45:46 PM PST
SACRAMENTO -- Kobe Bryant has won the NBA championship three times during his
career with the Lakers. He has led the league in scoring the past two
seasons. He has made 10 consecutive starts for the Western Conference
All-Star team.
在老大穿著紫金戰袍的這些年裡面, 他拿了三次總冠軍. 他過去兩季蟬連得分王.
明星賽代表西區, 他也連續先發了10季.
He has never been named the league's MVP.
That might change this season, however.
"I think it would be about that time," teammate Lamar Odom said before the
Lakers played the Sacramento Kings on Tuesday night. "I think he's paid his
dues. I think he put enough work in, you know what I'm saying?"
"他等到頭髮都白了, "老二在禮拜二對上國王之前說的. "輪也該輪到他了吧.
The competition is difficult, with Kevin Garnett helping transform the Boston
Celtics into a contender from an also-ran and LeBron James almost
single-handedly keeping the Cleveland Cavaliers in the thick of the East race.
不過競爭還是很激烈的. KG讓過氣的球隊變成了超賽. LBJ隻手維持住了騎士
Also, Chris Paul of the New Orleans Hornets can't be overlooked and Tim
Duncan has the San Antonio Spurs at the top of the West.
CP3讓黃蜂不再被人忽視. TD? 馬刺低調的爬到西區龍頭了阿.
But Bryant would get Odom's vote if he had one.
不過要是老二可以投票, 他心目中的MVP一定是老大.
"I can't see anybody fighting it, saying, `How the heck did Kobe get the MVP
award?"' Odom said.
"我不覺得有誰可以說'阿? Kobe怎麼可能拿MVP'"
Coach Phil Jackson also would cast a ballot for Bryant if he could.
(Reporters vote on the awards at the end of the regular season.)
如果禪師可以投票, 他的那票也一定是老大的.
"I would always vote for my own player," Jackson said. "I think so. You know,
LeBron has had a really great year. His team doesn't have quite the record we
"不管怎麼樣, 我一定投給自己的球員." 禪師說. "我覺得這很應該阿. LBJ
這季是打的不錯. 可是騎士的戰績還不能跟湖人比吧."
"He has single-handedly made them a team that contends every night."
"湖人之所以有今天這樣的衝勁, 是他一個人的功勞."
The Lakers' lofty status in the West combined with Bryant's commitment this
season to a more well-rounded game could sway voters in Bryant's favor.
湖人這季在西區能有這樣舒服的排名, 還有老大這季決心打的更全面, 都該
"Make the case for Kobe?" Jackson said, repeating a question. "It seems like
I've been doing this for the last week. He's playing a more rounded game than
perhaps in the last two seasons. He's just measuring what the team needs and
how it needs to get done."
"幫Kobe拉票?" 禪師重複我的問題, "上禮拜的比賽不是表現的很明白了嗎?
他的表現比起過去兩季更加全面. 他知道我們球隊需要的是什麼, 也知道要
Jackson went on to praise Bryant's improved defensive play and his increased
focus on helping his teammates lift their games.
禪師接著稱讚了老大進步了的防守, 以及他努力讓隊友進步的表現.
"He came back Nov. 1 or whenever we started the season (actually, it was Oct.
30), throwing himself into it," Jackson said, referring to Bryant's decision
to put his offseason of discontent behind him. "He put himself into the whole
concept of playing together with the team.
"他11月1號還是什麼時候, 反正就球季開始的時候(其實, 是10月30), 就心裡
只想著關於比賽的事了," 禪師當被問到Kobe把放假時候的肥皂劇拋在腦後這
決定的時候說. "他在乎的只有怎麼樣能讓這球隊打的像一支球隊."
"His teammates were worried about him (during training camp). They were
concerned about being left behind. Or ditched, if I can use that term. But
he's been totally there for them."
"其他隊友在訓練營的時候都很擔心他. 他們擔心自己會被留下來. 或者說
是怕被拋棄, 如果我可以用到這種字眼的話. 可是他全心的留下來了."
Honors part II: Remarkably enough, Jackson has won the league's Coach of the
Year award only once, after leading the Chicago Bulls to a league-record 72
victories in 1995-96. The Bulls went on to win the fourth of their six league
titles in the 1990s that season.
雖然禪師的紀錄輝煌, 可是他只有在公牛72勝的1995-96球季拿過一次年度
最佳教練. 公牛那年拿下了他們90年代6座冠軍的第四座.
Jackson downplayed his chances this season.
"Usually, it's a (coach of a) team that's a surprise team," he said.
"Favorites aren't usually given the award. It's teams that surprise people.
"一般來說, 都是黑馬球隊的教練比較有機會啦."
"受到期待球隊的教練通常都拿不到, 要那種不知道從哪裡跳出來的才有."
"In the 1980s, it was an honor, too, because the guy who won it was getting
fired from his job two years later."
"80年代的時候也是種榮耀沒錯啦. 拿到最佳教練的那傢伙2年後就被炒魷魚了."
為什麼我覺得禪師最後面那些話很好笑 XD
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