Hamburg男網賽冠軍-Leonardo Mayer

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Singles - First Round [LL] Leonardo Mayer (ARG) d [1] Albert Ramos-Vinolas (ESP) 67(3) 63 76(4) Singles - Second Round [LL] Leonardo Mayer (ARG) d Jan-Lennard Struff (GER) 62 75 Singles - Quaterfinals [LL] Leonardo Mayer (ARG) d Jiri Vesely (CZE) 76(4) 63 Singles - Semifinals [LL] Leonardo Mayer (ARG) d [Q] Federico Delbonis (ARG) 63 75 Singles - Final [LL] Leonardo Mayer (ARG) d Florian Mayer (GER) 64 46 63 Mayer對決最後是由Leonardo三盤勝出,生涯兩個冠軍都在漢堡拿的 繼上週Rublev在Umag奪冠,他這禮拜也是以lucky loser資格進會內一路拿下冠軍,排名 也將重回前50 "It's amazing to win in Hamburg again," said Leonardo, who was joined by his wife Milagros and son Valentino after the match. "It's like home here and I feel very comfortable. I like the city and I always play well here. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:
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