[外絮] Kerr透露KT被下放板凳時對他大吼大叫過

看板NBA (美國籃球)作者 (鞭狗蛙 舒服)時間9月前 (2024/03/02 21:41), 9月前編輯推噓85(91632)
留言129則, 110人參與, 9月前最新討論串1/1
Klay Thompson yelled at Kerr, coaching staff when initially moved to bench, but has settled in well KT起初被下放板凳時對Kerr及教練團大吼大叫,但他最後調適得很好 In six games coming off the bench for the Warriors, Klay Thompson is averaging 19.2 points a game with a 62.4 true shooting percentage and he's hitting 44.1% from 3 — all numbers that are up from the 49 games he started before that. He's doing all that in three fewer minutes a game, too. 在勇士板凳出發的6場比賽中,KT以62.4%的真實命中率平均拿下19.2分,三分命中率 44.1%--全部的數據都比先發49場還來的高。他每場少打3分鐘卻完成了這些事。 Klay Thompson is thriving in his bench role — and the Warriors are 5-1 in those six games — but that doesn't mean he handled it well when first told what was happening. Kendra Andrews of ESPN did a deep dive into Thompson's sixth-man role and had this from Steve Kerr. KT對他板凳的角色演繹得相當出彩—而勇士在那6場比賽中取得5勝1敗—但這不代表他起 初被告這件事情時控制得很好。ESPN的Kendra Andrews深入挖掘KT第六人角色跟Kerr之間 的關係。 Thompson initially didn't take the news well. Kerr told ESPN that Thompson yelled at him and some of the assistants. Later, he came back to apologize to the coaches. "It was not an easy conversation," Kerr said. "This is maybe the hardest part about getting further away from our prime. It's just, after 12 years [of Thompson starting], it wasn't easy. And still moving forward, it's not going to be easy. But I told him, 'If you really embrace it, you can help your team win.'" KT起初無法很好的看待這件事情。Kerr告訴ESPN說KT當時對他和一些助教大吼大叫。但他 之後有回去跟教練們道歉。「這不是個簡單的對話。」Kerr說。「這可能是我們巔峰時期 之後最困難的部分。在(KT開始職業生涯)12年後,這就不是那麼簡單。但我們仍然要向前 進,縱使這不會很簡單。但我告訴他,『如果你擁抱這個(角色),那你就可以幫助球隊贏 球』。」 You can't fault a competitor for reacting that way. Kerr and Thompsons said it was a wise decision to make the move just before the All-Star break, which gave Thompson time to process the change and come at it with a better attitude (although he scored 35 points in that first game off the bench, so he handled it well that night, too). 你不能責怪一個具競爭心的人有這樣的反應。Kerr跟KT說在明星賽休息前做出這樣的決定 是明智的,這可以給KT時間去做改變,去作出更好的態度(縱使他第一場板凳出發就拿下 35分,所以他其實在那晚比賽也就處理得很好。) We've had a front-row seat this season to watching Thompson deal with his basketball mortality. He is a future Hall of Fame player and part of one of the NBA's great dynasty teams, but few players get to wind down their careers on their own terms. Few get the John Elway exit. Thompson and the Warriors as a whole are dealing with that as their dynasty era sunsets — it took Kerr a long time to come around on starting Jonathan Kuminga and Brandin Podziemski, giving this roster what it needed to have a chance at a run this season. It's not easy to accept that we're not what we once were and things have changed both with us and around us. Golden State has struggled with that top to bottom. 我們本季已經坐在第一排看過KT面對他的籃球生涯退化。他是個未來名人堂球員,且是 NBA偉大王朝球隊成員之一,但很少球員能以自己的方式結束生涯。很少人能像John Elway那樣離開。KT跟勇士都面臨王朝時代的謝幕—這讓Kerr開始給予Kuminga及Podz長時 間先發上場,給出這樣的輪值表讓勇士本季仍能保有機會。我們很難去接受我們已經不是 昔日的樣子,且時光荏苒、週遭事物物換星移。勇士上至管理層下到球員都充滿掙扎。 Fortunately for Thompson, he seems to have found his lane and is thriving now. He and Chris Paul off the bench dramatically change the non-Stephen Curry minutes for the Warriors, and that's one thing that gives them a chance when the postseason comes. 對KT來說幸運的是,他似乎已經找到他的路線且茁壯強大。他與CP3從板凳出發戲劇性地 改變Curry不在場時的勇士,而這給會在季後賽來臨時多給他們一點機會。 https://reurl.cc/G4v1zD 心得:對KT來說應該一開始真的很難接受啦,記得當初收官時被放板凳就 很不爽了。還好後來有慢慢接受調適心情。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1709386893.A.5A3.html

03/02 21:42, 9月前 , 1F
Kerr:老子9冠 叫屁啊
03/02 21:42, 1F

03/02 21:42, 9月前 , 2F
03/02 21:42, 2F

03/02 21:42, 9月前 , 3F
03/02 21:42, 3F

03/02 21:43, 9月前 , 4F
K湯:1234 Kerr:56789
03/02 21:43, 4F

03/02 21:43, 9月前 , 5F
03/02 21:43, 5F

03/02 21:43, 9月前 , 6F
Kerr學家:你4個屁 你算老幾
03/02 21:43, 6F

03/02 21:43, 9月前 , 7F
KERR: 9>4
03/02 21:43, 7F

03/02 21:44, 9月前 , 8F
KT:我四冠,你幾冠? Kerr:9
03/02 21:44, 8F

03/02 21:44, 9月前 , 9F

03/02 21:45, 9月前 , 10F
03/02 21:45, 10F

03/02 21:45, 9月前 , 11F
03/02 21:45, 11F

03/02 21:45, 9月前 , 12F
03/02 21:45, 12F

03/02 21:46, 9月前 , 13F
03/02 21:46, 13F

03/02 21:46, 9月前 , 14F
03/02 21:46, 14F

03/02 21:47, 9月前 , 15F
KERR: 9>4 我前老大波波 前前老大喬丹
03/02 21:47, 15F

03/02 21:47, 9月前 , 16F
03/02 21:47, 16F

03/02 21:49, 9月前 , 17F
03/02 21:49, 17F

03/02 21:51, 9月前 , 18F
教練9冠+CP3都願意帶板凳 沒什麼不可以吧
03/02 21:51, 18F

03/02 21:51, 9月前 , 19F
03/02 21:51, 19F

03/02 21:52, 9月前 , 20F
03/02 21:52, 20F

03/02 21:52, 9月前 , 21F
KT:1234 KERR:56789
03/02 21:52, 21F

03/02 21:52, 9月前 , 22F
03/02 21:52, 22F

03/02 21:53, 9月前 , 23F
03/02 21:53, 23F

03/02 21:53, 9月前 , 24F

03/02 21:53, 9月前 , 25F
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03/02 21:54, 9月前 , 26F
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03/02 21:56, 9月前 , 27F
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03/02 21:56, 9月前 , 28F
03/02 21:56, 28F

03/02 21:57, 9月前 , 29F
03/02 21:57, 29F

03/02 21:57, 9月前 , 30F
願意替補很好了啦 不容易
03/02 21:57, 30F

03/02 21:57, 9月前 , 31F
03/02 21:57, 31F
※ 編輯: bengowa ( 臺灣), 03/02/2024 22:01:05

03/02 22:00, 9月前 , 32F
03/02 22:00, 32F

03/02 22:01, 9月前 , 33F
除了找波波來 大概沒人壓得住這群老將吧
03/02 22:01, 33F

03/02 22:03, 9月前 , 34F
03/02 22:03, 34F

03/02 22:04, 9月前 , 35F
03/02 22:04, 35F

03/02 22:05, 9月前 , 36F
03/02 22:05, 36F

03/02 22:06, 9月前 , 37F
Kerr : 9>4 在那叫什麼
03/02 22:06, 37F

03/02 22:08, 9月前 , 38F
03/02 22:08, 38F
還有 52 則推文
03/03 01:07, 9月前 , 91F
03/03 01:07, 91F

03/03 01:12, 9月前 , 92F
03/03 01:12, 92F

03/03 01:12, 9月前 , 93F
進步 至少Wiggins離隊跟KT這些事情做得不錯
03/03 01:12, 93F

03/03 01:16, 9月前 , 94F
K:4 K:9 K:幹!
03/03 01:16, 94F

03/03 01:44, 9月前 , 95F
03/03 01:44, 95F

03/03 01:47, 9月前 , 96F
說得好像這些事情是一樣的 嘴綠那個揮拳 人人都想
03/03 01:47, 96F

03/03 01:47, 9月前 , 97F
03/03 01:47, 97F

03/03 01:48, 9月前 , 98F
Kerr的執教經歷/勇士梯數比三老還菜 算一起打拼過來
03/03 01:48, 98F

03/03 01:49, 9月前 , 99F
03/03 01:49, 99F

03/03 01:51, 9月前 , 100F
03/03 01:51, 100F

03/03 02:22, 9月前 , 101F
面子給他那麼多了 還敢叫0.0
03/03 02:22, 101F

03/03 05:50, 9月前 , 102F
03/03 05:50, 102F

03/03 06:18, 9月前 , 103F
03/03 06:18, 103F

03/03 06:28, 9月前 , 104F
03/03 06:28, 104F

03/03 06:42, 9月前 , 105F
03/03 06:42, 105F

03/03 07:06, 9月前 , 106F
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03/03 07:06, 9月前 , 107F
03/03 07:06, 107F

03/03 07:39, 9月前 , 108F
03/03 07:39, 108F

03/03 07:39, 9月前 , 109F
KT > KB, 摳鼻才是真正的老害
03/03 07:39, 109F

03/03 08:23, 9月前 , 110F
03/03 08:23, 110F

03/03 08:24, 9月前 , 111F
真的痛苦啊 比4沒有用
03/03 08:24, 111F

03/03 08:34, 9月前 , 112F
03/03 08:34, 112F

03/03 08:57, 9月前 , 113F
03/03 08:57, 113F

03/03 09:00, 9月前 , 114F
03/03 09:00, 114F

03/03 09:00, 9月前 , 115F
03/03 09:00, 115F

03/03 09:00, 9月前 , 116F
03/03 09:00, 116F

03/03 09:11, 9月前 , 117F
03/03 09:11, 117F
※ 編輯: bengowa ( 臺灣), 03/03/2024 09:28:00

03/03 09:44, 9月前 , 118F
03/03 09:44, 118F

03/03 09:49, 9月前 , 119F
03/03 09:49, 119F

03/03 10:01, 9月前 , 120F
03/03 10:01, 120F

03/03 10:29, 9月前 , 121F
Kerry兩隻手可以比9 KT只能一隻手
03/03 10:29, 121F

03/03 10:32, 9月前 , 122F
03/03 10:32, 122F

03/03 11:37, 9月前 , 123F
這個年紀+傷病史 是該接受啊
03/03 11:37, 123F

03/03 12:06, 9月前 , 124F
03/03 12:06, 124F

03/03 13:41, 9月前 , 125F
03/03 13:41, 125F

03/03 14:56, 9月前 , 126F
03/03 14:56, 126F

03/03 17:31, 9月前 , 127F
03/03 17:31, 127F

03/03 21:59, 9月前 , 128F
這種亂叫囂的壞老人不少見啊 有能力? 做夢嗎
03/03 21:59, 128F

03/04 03:18, 9月前 , 129F
03/04 03:18, 129F
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