Re: [外絮] Devin Booker:天賦打球終究有其上限

看板NBA (美國籃球)作者 (lks)時間1天前 (2025/03/23 00:50), 1天前編輯推噓18(23560)
留言88則, 34人參與, 15小時前最新討論串3/4 (看更多)
讓我們粗暴一點直接看on/off 書人 on:-1.0 off:-0.3 on-off:-0.7 KD on:+0.2 off:-2.5 on-off:+2.7 Beal on:-7.4 off:+4.5 on-off: “-11.9” 下面都是每百回合數據 這三人組合 這一季一共打了666分鐘 得分輸對手3.8分 再來看雙人組合 Beal+KD=>1040分鐘,“-8.1” Beal+書人=>1012分鐘,“-7.7” KD+書人=>1438分鐘,+1.8 這五千萬 不唬爛,真的驚天動地 拿Beal想敲油頭 光有油頭裸照我看籌碼還差的遠 我實在想像不出來 即使沒那個NTC 這要賣要怎麼貼 我看啊 高機率還要貼上KD買一送一 才有人願意回收 ※ 引述《LABOYS (洛城浪子)》之銘言: : : 'Talent only gets you so far': Devin Booker opens up on 'very frustrating' : season for Suns :
: Devin Booker is in quite a quandary. : His Phoenix Suns are imploding. After entering the season with championship : expectations, they're in 10th place in the West and are fighting to make the : play-in tournament. They stunned Kevin Durant by trying to trade him in : February before he kiboshed a deal that would've sent him to Golden State. : Bradley Beal was involved in multiple trade rumors despite his no-trade clause : . There are whispers that coach Mike Budenholzer's future with the team could : be shaky. : Devin Booker 陷入了兩難境地。 : 他的鳳凰城太陽隊正在瀕臨崩潰。 : 本賽季開始時,球隊背負著爭奪總冠軍的期待, : 但現在卻排名西區第十,苦苦掙扎爭取附加賽資格。 : 二月時,球隊試圖交易 Kevin Durant, : 這讓他大感震驚,最終 KD 親自喊停了可能將他送往金州勇士的交易。 : Bradley Beal 則多次捲入交易傳聞,儘管他擁有不可交易條款。 : 此外,外界也傳出球隊總教練 Mike Budenholzer 的未來可能不太穩固的風聲。 : The Suns are clearly on the verge of seismic change this offseason, with all : three of their stars on maximum contracts and not enough to show for it. : So, the big question is what does this mean for Booker, a 28-year-old who : recently signed a four-year, $224 million supermax extension with the Suns : through the 2027-28 season? : When asked if he believes he could be traded too, he pointed to the fact that : no one is safe, something that was driven home to everyone in the NBA when the : Dallas Mavericks sent Luka Doncic – a 26-year-old who is considered a top- : three player in the league – to the Los Angeles Lakers in February. : 太陽隊在這個休賽季顯然即將迎來劇變, : 三位球星擁有頂薪合約,但球隊的表現卻未能達到預期。 : 那麼,問題來了: : 這對 Booker 意味著什麼? : 這位 28 歲的球星剛與太陽隊簽下了一份四年 2.24 億美元的超級頂薪續約合同, : 將效力至 2027-28 賽季。 : 當被問到自己是否可能被交易時,Booker 提到了 NBA 的一個現實—— : 沒有人是絕對安全的。這一點在今年二月獨行俠將 26 歲、 : 被公認為聯盟前三球員的 Luka Doncic 交易至洛杉磯湖人時, : 已經深刻地烙印在所有球員心中。 : "Look at the situation that got Luka here," Booker told FOX Sports. "I : understand that it's a business. I've been around a long time. The Luka one is : probably the craziest trade we've seen. But the game just keeps going." : Suns owner Mat Ishbia recently told ESPN that trading Booker this offseason : would "never happen," adding, "I have Devin Booker in the prime. In order to : win an NBA championship, you got to have a superstar." Booker also apparently : isn't interested in being traded. : 「看看 Luka 是怎麼轉隊的,」Booker 對《FOX Sports》表示。 : 「我明白這就是一門生意,我在這個聯盟待了很久。 : Luka 的交易可能是我們見過最瘋狂的交易之一,但比賽仍會繼續下去。」 : 太陽隊老闆 Mat Ishbia 最近在接受 ESPN 採訪時強調, : 休賽季交易 Booker「絕對不會發生」,並補充道: : 「Devin Booker 正處於巔峰。想要贏得 NBA 總冠軍,你必須擁有超級球星。」 : 此外,Booker 本人似乎也無意被交易。 : But it's clear that frustrations are mounting for Booker, whose Suns reached : the NBA Finals in 2021 but haven't made it past the second round of the : playoffs since. : During a recent trip to Los Angeles, Booker couldn't help but feel crushed by : how much things have changed since around this time four years ago, when he : was standing in front of the same locker, celebrating having just beaten the : LA Clippers in the Western Conference finals. : He remembers the scene vividly. : 但很明顯,Booker 的挫折感正在累積。 : 太陽隊在 2021 年闖入 NBA 總冠軍賽,但自那以後,他們再也沒能突破季後賽第二輪。 : 最近一次造訪洛杉磯時,Booker 不禁感到心碎,因為一切變化太大了。 : 大約四年前的這個時候,他還站在同一個更衣室前, : 慶祝剛剛擊敗洛杉磯快艇,挺進總冠軍賽。 : 他仍然清楚地記得當時的場景。 : He and his teammates poured water over Chris Paul's head. Deandre Ayton, lying : on the carpet, cuddled the conference finals trophy and asked, "Why she play : so hard to get?" Booker beamed, hopeful he was going to win his first : championship in his first postseason appearance. : Fast-forward to last March 16, when Booker was in the same place, but worlds : apart. : 他和隊友們把水撒向 Chris Paul 的頭歡慶勝利。 : Deandre Ayton 躺在地毯上,抱著西區冠軍獎盃,開玩笑地問:「她怎麼這麼難追?」 : Booker 滿臉笑容,充滿希望,認為自己能在生涯首次季後賽之旅中奪得總冠軍。 : 時光快轉至今年 3 月 16 日, : Booker 站在同樣的地方,卻感覺像是處在完全不同的世界。 : After losing to the LeBron James-less Lakers, he was surrounded by a : semicircle of reporters asking him different iterations of the same question: : How can the Suns be so bad despite having so much talent? Durant left the : locker room before speaking to reporters. The mood was dismal, as the Suns' : slide continued following the month of February, when they went 3-10. : Booker didn't sugarcoat how the juxtaposition felt. : "Very frustrating," Booker told FOX Sports. "We celebrated the Western : Conference finals right here. I was standing in the same spot." : 在輸給沒有 LeBron James 的湖人後, : Booker 被一群記者包圍,一群人不斷用不同的措辭問著同一個問題: : 太陽隊明明擁有這麼多天賦,為什麼表現還這麼糟? : Durant 在記者會開始前就離開了更衣室,氣氛低沉, : 而太陽隊在二月份打出 3 勝 10 負的戰績後,狀況依舊持續下滑。 : Booker 並沒有掩飾這種強烈的對比帶來的感受。 : 「非常令人沮喪,」他對《FOX Sports》說道。 : 「我們當時就在這裡慶祝晉級總冠軍賽,就是我現在站的,同一個地方。」 : It's confounding that the Suns are in this position considering they have a : coach with championship experience in Budenholzer, a two-time champion and two : -time Finals MVP in Durant and seven All-Star appearances between Booker (four : ) and Beal (three). : So, seriously, what's the problem? : "Talent only gets you so far," Booker told FOX Sports. "I've been on teams : with less talent that found ways to get more wins. It's just the little things : . What people always say, the details of the game. Although it sounds like we : should know that at this part of our careers, it's just something you need to : form and develop and learn through trial and error. : 考慮到太陽隊擁有一位具備冠軍總教頭 Budenholzer, : 一位兩屆總冠軍、兩屆FMVP 的KD,以及Booker(四次)與Beal(三次), : 兩人合計七次入選全明星,這樣的陣容,他們如今陷入這種困境實在令人費解。 : 那麼,問題到底出在哪裡? : 「憑藉天賦打球終究有其極限,」Booker 對《FOX Sports》表示。 : 「我待過一些天賦較差的球隊,但我們總能找到贏球的方法。關鍵就在那些細節—— : 大家常說的比賽細節。雖然聽起來我們這個階段應該已經掌握了這些東西, : 但這仍然需要透過不斷磨合、發展,並從試錯中學習。」 : Budenholzer chalked up the Suns' issues to effort, saying, "We need a little : bit more from everybody." He included himself in that category, too, following : a game in which Durant chirped at him shortly after they exchanged words : during a game earlier this month. Durant — who made his 15th All-Star : appearance in February, and is averaging 26.4 points on 52.6% shooting, : including 41.6% from beyond the arc, alongside 6.1 rebounds and 4.3 assists — : pointed to the first incident as evidence of how much they both care about : trying to right the ship. : Budenholzer 將太陽隊的問題歸咎於不夠努力,並表示:「我們需要每個人付出更多。」 : 在這場比賽後,他也將自己納入其中,因為在本月初的一場比賽中, : KD 在他們交換言辭後對他發出了些許不滿的反應。 : KD——在二月迎來了自己的第15次全明星賽出場, : 場均貢獻 26.4 分、52.6% 的投籃命中率(包括 41.6% 三分球命中率), : 加上 6.1 個籃板和 4.3 次助攻—— : 將這次事件視為他們兩人都非常關心,並努力挽回頹勢的一個證據。 : The Suns have now won two games in a row, beating Toronto on Monday and : Chicago on Wednesday. But they have a tough stretch ahead, including facing : some of the top teams in the East in their next three games, in top-seeded : Cleveland, second-seeded Boston and fifth-seeded Milwaukee. : For Booker, his time with the Suns has been a rollercoaster. He saw them go : from not even making the playoffs in his first six seasons to reaching the : Finals in 2021. Then, Ishbia turned the team on its head to acquire Durant : followed by Beal. Last season's shortcomings could be chalked up to injuries. : But this season, the Suns are out of excuses. : 太陽隊最近取得了兩連勝,分別擊敗了多倫多和芝加哥。 : 然而,他們接下來的賽程非常艱難, : 包括在接下來的三場比賽中將面對東區的頂尖球隊—— : 排名第一的克里夫蘭、第二的波士頓和第五的密爾瓦基。 : 對 Booker 而言,他在太陽隊的歷程就像是一趟雲霄飛車。 : 他見證了球隊從他前六個賽季無緣季後賽,到 2021 年成功晉級總冠軍賽。 : 隨後,Ishbia 對球隊進行了徹底的改組,引進了 KD 和 Beal。 ----- Sent from JPTT on my Xiaomi 23090RA98G. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: ※ 編輯: pujos ( 臺灣), 03/23/2025 00:55:52

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03/23 00:57, 1天前 , 7F
Beal有這麼差嗎 難道這類型的球員不能當核心?
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03/23 00:57, 1天前 , 9F
不過這好像當初是KD指定要的? 結果換走了保羅
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03/23 00:58, 1天前 , 10F
不管啦 數據冷冰冰
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03/23 00:59, 1天前 , 14F
KD KT都以為亞軍好像離冠軍比較近才上車 事實上不然
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03/23 01:23, 1天前 , 18F
比爾在 太陽21-27 不在 13-10 三巨頭都在 19-18
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03/23 01:23, 1天前 , 19F
比爾不在 KD書人在 12-3 就明明數據還可以
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03/23 01:23, 1天前 , 20F
但1+1+1就長這樣 而且另外的1+1大於3
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03/23 01:33, 1天前 , 24F
更古早 組三星四星失敗的例子其實不少啊
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03/23 01:35, 1天前 , 27F
會列這些數字也是給不看球 堅持比爾沒很爛的人看
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03/23 01:36, 1天前 , 28F
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03/23 01:37, 1天前 , 29F
五千萬實質傷害球隊繼續打 JB被說傷害球隊就被禁賽
03/23 01:37, 29F

03/23 01:43, 1天前 , 30F
Beal應該還比Lavine好吧 好奇這兩個得分能力那麼
03/23 01:43, 30F

03/23 01:43, 1天前 , 31F
好的AS 為什麼都沒辦法帶領球隊成為爭冠強隊 最後
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03/23 01:54, 1天前 , 34F
有點好奇Beal去哪隊會合適 目前看討論偏向太陽位置
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03/23 01:57, 1天前 , 40F
lavine今年進攻效率比Beal好很多 雖然防守一樣爛
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03/23 02:02, 1天前 , 46F
球迷怪beal ,再整天幻想Ayton 、相機也無處於是
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03/23 02:03, 1天前 , 50F
比爾就是太貴 他的身價只值2500-3000美 跟英雄差不
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03/23 02:06, 1天前 , 54F
火箭的陣容適合Beal嗎 不控球專注得分 可以解決火
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03/23 02:29, 1天前 , 61F
所以是價格問題不是能力問題 如果便宜個15M Beal應
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03/23 02:29, 1天前 , 62F
該還會算搶手 了解
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03/23 02:46, 1天前 , 69F
Beal簽約時好歹也是全明星級聯盟前幾的SG吧 不然他
03/23 02:46, 69F

03/23 02:46, 1天前 , 70F
跟Lavine的合理價位應該落在哪 不高於30M?
03/23 02:46, 70F

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03/23 04:15, 23小時前 , 77F
巫師就專門給肥約留人的球隊 Wall那張也是肥到爆
03/23 04:15, 77F

03/23 04:16, 23小時前 , 78F
差在Wall大傷直接沒人要 beal還騙到有人撿
03/23 04:16, 78F

03/23 05:44, 22小時前 , 79F
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03/23 07:29, 20小時前 , 82F
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03/23 07:47, 20小時前 , 83F
Beal:想交易還得我同意呢 你是不是搞錯了什麼小朋友
03/23 07:47, 83F

03/23 08:19, 19小時前 , 84F
onoff一直都只是參考 不能只拿這個數據
03/23 08:19, 84F

03/23 08:21, 19小時前 , 85F
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03/23 08:34, 19小時前 , 86F
有時候就是衝動交易 比爾爛在她5000萬又有霸王
03/23 08:34, 86F

03/23 08:34, 19小時前 , 87F
真的不合想再換 困難重重
03/23 08:34, 87F

03/23 12:18, 15小時前 , 88F
03/23 12:18, 88F
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