[外絮] Bronny James 給弟弟 Bryce 的建議

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Lakers News: Bronny James Gives Advice To Younger Brother Bryce 來源:https://bit.ly/4bRjwZd https://i.imgur.com/tXeCxzm.jpeg
LeBron James playing long enough to team with his son Bronny James on the Los An geles Lakers is truly an unbelievable accomplishment. What’s even more unbeliev able is that LeBron has another son, Bryce James, who could also be in the NBA i n another couple years. LeBron James 能夠在洛杉磯湖人隊和他的兒子 Bronny James 一起打球,這真的是一個難 以置信的成就。更讓人驚訝的是,LeBron 還有另一個兒子,Bryce James,幾年後也有可能 進入 NBA。 Bryce is a senior shooting guard at Sierra Canyon High School, where Bronny also played, and has committed to the Arizona Wildcats next season. Just like Bronny , there will be a ton of pressure on Bryce as the son of LeBron, but the older b rother has already given some advice to his sibling. Bryce 是Sierra Canyon高中的得分後衛,這所學校也是 Bronny 當年就讀的地方,而且他 已經決定下個賽季加入亞利桑那野貓隊。就像 Bronny 一樣,身為 LeBron 的兒子,Bryce 會面臨巨大的壓力,但哥哥已經給了他一些建議。 Bronny spoke about this following his career night in the Lakers’ loss to the M ilwaukee Bucks, stressing the importance of Bryce maintaining the mindset of wor king hard and not taking things for granted. 在湖人隊對密爾瓦基公鹿隊的比賽後,Bronny 談到了這件事,並強調了 Bryce 要保持努力 工作的心態,不要把一切視為理所當然。 “Yeah, I’d say, when we were younger, the main thing I’d like to push to him is just having fun,” Bronny said. “Just playing your game. Being confident in yourself. Yeah, I think as I became a senior, he’s a senior now, so just have t hat mindset of working. Because there’s a lot of kids out there that want to be in my spot or his spot. And you can’t take that for granted. So, yeah, just ke ep working.” “是的,我會說,當我們還年輕的時候,我最想告訴他的一件事就是要玩得開心,”Bronny 說。“就是打自己的球風,對自己有信心。對,我覺得當我變成高年級生時,他現在也已 經是高年級生了,所以要有那種努力工作的心態。因為有很多孩子希望能夠站在我或是他的 位子上,你不能把這當作理所當然。所以,就是繼續努力。” Being the son of LeBron there is always going to be a target on his back and som e thinking he only has the spot he does because of his father. Bronny is already going through that and continues to do so to this day and the Lakers rookie kno ws what’s in store for Bryce. Keeping his head down, putting in the work and co nstantly improving his game is the best way to silence any doubters. 作為 LeBron 的兒子,Bryce 隨時都會成為大家的焦點,並且總會有人覺得他現在的位置只 是因為有父親在背後。Bronny 已經經歷過這一切,並且現在仍在面對,這位湖人隊的新秀 知道 Bryce 也會經歷相似的情況。最好的方法就是保持低調,持續努力,不斷提升自己的 比賽水平,這樣才能打破外界的質疑。 When both your father and older brother play for the Lakers there is simply a di fferent level of pressure. But both LeBron and Bronny will continue to support B ryce as his own basketball journey continues. 當你的父親和哥哥都在湖人隊效力,壓力自然會更大。但無論如何,LeBron 和 Bronny 會 繼續支持 Bryce,幫助他在自己的籃球旅程中邁出步伐。 Bronny James focused on being ready at all times for Lakers Bronny James 專注在隨時為湖人隊做好準備 Of course, Bronny James has his own basketball career to think about as the Lake rs rookie guard posted a career-high 17 points and five assists against the Buck s on Thursday night. Afterwards, Bronny admitted his confidence has increased ov er time and he is just focused on being ready any time the Lakers need him. 當然,Bronny James 也有自己的籃球生涯要考慮。這位湖人隊新秀後衛在週四晚對公鹿隊 的比賽中,創下了生涯新高的 17 分和 5 次助攻。賽後,Bronny 承認,隨著時間的推移, 他的信心有了提升,他現在的目標就是隨時準備好,無論何時湖人隊需要他。 “Yeah, I’d say I’ve gained my confidence and gained my comfortability over ju st reps and getting out there and taking advantage of my opportunity if it’s gi ven,” James said. “So just being ready at all times. I think that’s the bigge st thing for me is staying in that, stay-ready games, practice and stuff like th at and taking advantage like I did tonight. So yeah, it’s been pretty good for me so far.” “是的,我會說,我的信心和適應能力是通過不斷的練習,並且在有機會的時候把握住它, 這樣漸漸建立起來的,”Bronny 說。“所以,就是隨時準備好。我認為對我來說,最重要 的是保持隨時待命的狀態,無論是比賽還是訓練,並像今晚這樣抓住機會。所以,到目前為 止,我覺得一切都還不錯。” - Bronny心態真的滿好的,大家期待看到父子三人同場的歷史畫面嗎? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1742705577.A.E25.html

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笑死 輸球才會出現
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朗文比賽 一號選手 77參戰
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03/23 12:57, 1天前 , 12F
可貴的兄弟情真是令人羡慕 希望兩人未來能在籃球的
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Bronny:Told dad don’t retire before u been dra
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03/23 13:12, 1天前 , 34F
布朗尼建議:要投對胎。 布萊斯:這我跟你一樣強
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03/23 13:12, 1天前 , 35F
健身不錯 不要是去靶場發洩就好
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03/23 13:12, 1天前 , 36F
建議有個好爸爸 咦?莫非你也?
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還有 31 則推文
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03/23 15:01, 1天前 , 73F
幫你煎給不來煎的建議 來幫煎!!!
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03/23 15:01, 1天前 , 74F
幫你煎給不來煎的建議 關鍵是來幫煎!!!
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03/23 15:08, 1天前 , 75F
建議如何一場賽到17分 讓媒體吹成場均17分嗎?
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03/23 15:50, 1天前 , 77F
不用擔心 爸爸會把你弄進NBA
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03/23 16:07, 1天前 , 79F
建成 元吉
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03/23 16:51, 1天前 , 86F
以後就是姆獅兄弟 不可能老爸還在吧
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03/23 17:53, 1天前 , 89F
人生勝利組了 打球只能玩票性質
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03/23 18:36, 1天前 , 90F
老爸退休無縫進入湖人管理層 組二代詹兄弟
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03/23 19:17, 1天前 , 95F
引入權貴球賽 這也是難看的原因之一
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03/23 19:46, 1天前 , 96F
那麼多比賽 你特別注重你說的權貴比賽 怪誰呢@@
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03/23 22:31, 1天前 , 100F
白絲娟 就這樣叫了
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03/23 23:39, 1天前 , 102F
Listen to your dad
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