Re: [翻譯] Zachary Feinstein going to the Draft!

看板NBAGM作者 (.....................)時間17年前 (2008/05/10 22:55), 編輯推噓1(100)
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在宣布要參加選秀之後,Zach接受了HHR部落格的「獨家專訪」: HuggingHaroldReynolds: Now, we checked the records and you are in fact white and don't play basketball, how does that effect your draft position? 現在,我們看過紀錄,還有你實際上是個白人,不打籃球,這會如何影響你的選秀順位? Zach Feinstein: Well every year there are many non-white players, who do actually play basketball. Most of these players go undrafted, so this probably gives me an edge. 嗯,每年都有很多非白人球員,他們真的有在打籃球。這些傢伙大部分都沒被選上,所 以這可能給了我一點優勢。 HHR: According to math I just did in my head, if you change your last name to a more Eastern European mess of all consonants, it would improve your draft ranking by a factor of 10,000. How far are you willing to go? 根據我剛在腦袋裡作的計算,如果你換成一個比較東歐的姓氏,會改善你的選秀排行大 約一萬倍。你會有多大意願這樣作? ZF: First, 10,000 times 0 is still 0 (I am majoring in math so I'm fairly confident about this). Secondly, this may have worked if it weren't for Nikoloz Tskitishvili. 首先,一萬乘以零還是零 (我主修是數學,所以這個我還蠻有自信的) 。第二,這也許 會有用,只是不要改成Nikoloz Tskitishvili。 ( ) HHR: Will you simultaneously be lobbying for a "lightning round" based on trivia? 你會同時根據訪問,遊說一個「輕量級」的活動嗎?(翻錯了吧,請指正) ZF: Good suggestion, the less time a team has to think about it, the more likely they are to take me. 好主意,一個球隊越不要想到這件事,我被選上的機率就越高。 HHR: Would you consider playing a year in China just to look taller? 你會考慮去中國打一年球好增高嗎? ZF: We will see how my Summer in China goes. It really depends on the offer though. 我們會看看我夏天在中國的活動辦的怎樣。其實只是要看價碼談不談的攏。 HHR: Have any shoe companies reached out yet for endorsement deals? Vitamin Water? 有任何球鞋公司接觸你要替你背書了嗎?維他命水呢? ZF: Not yet, though I would love to get a shoe deal for driving shoes (I suggest Google-ing these comfortable, comfortable shoes). And although I have gotten multiple offers from people who would love to be my agent, I have turned them all down so far. This has probably hindered my negotiations for endorsement deals. 還沒有,但是我想談一份駕駛鞋的合約(我建議你去google一下這些非常舒適的鞋)。還 有雖然我已經得到好多人要當我的經紀人,目前為止我全都拒絕了。這也許會阻礙我得 到代言合約的談判。 HHR: Let's be honest, this is also a beauty competition for low market teams looking to give their fans something to come out and see. Do you have a nickname? A signature move/dunk? 老實說吧,這也是小市場球隊爭取球迷來看的競賽。你有任何綽號嗎?一些個人註冊商 標的動作/灌籃? ZF: I do not have a nickname. I will be creating a contest on looking for suggestions from readers to come up with my nickname, and this is being announced on Hugging Harold Reynolds first. As for a signature move - that would be creating a website. 我還沒有綽號。我會在 創造一個命名大賽,讓讀者提供關於我綽 號的意見,我在HHR網站是首次公布這件事。至於註冊商標的動作—這也會是一個網站。 (譯註:綽號比賽的網址真的來了: ) HHR: Where did this idea come from? Honestly it's pretty damn funny. 這個點子從何而來?老實說真的蠻好笑的。 ZF: From the site: "The story begins in April of 2007, when one of my roommates (Dan) suggested that we should declare for the NBA Draft the following year. He, of course, said it jokingly. I, however, thought he was serious." 從這個網址:故事起源於2007年4月,當我的一個室友(Dan)提議,次年我們應該宣布參 加NBA選秀。當然他是開玩笑地說,然而,我認為他是認真的 Just from hearing stories other people have related to me, it seems a lot of people think about doing it every year, but few have the motivation to look into how. Maybe this will help out those who are confused as to how to declare for next year's draft. 聽過其他人跟我聯想在一起的故事,似乎很多人每年都想這樣作,但是很少人有動機看 看如何作到。也許這些對於那群對於如何宣布參加選秀很困惑的人有幫助。 HHR: Do you have your draft day suit picked out? 你已經選好了你選秀會那天要穿的西裝了嗎? ZF: Well I plan on following the same trend I do for clothes every day; take what is at the top of my dresser. 我計畫要依照我每天的穿衣趨勢;拿我衣櫃最上面的那一件。 HHR: What happens if you don't get drafted? 如果你沒被選上會怎樣? ZF: In that unlikely situation, I will go back to what I was doing last week before the official Early Entry list was released. 在這個不可能發生的情況,我會回去作官方名單發佈前一周我在作的事。 To Be Continued. 續篇更好笑,我保證。 (有Greg Oden, Tracy McGrady, Mark Cuban.....中槍) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

05/10 23:04, , 1F
05/10 23:04, 1F
※ 編輯: bri 來自: (05/10 23:13)
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