Re: [翻譯] Zachary Feinstein going to the Draft!

看板NBAGM作者 (.....................)時間17年前 (2008/05/10 23:56), 編輯推噓8(801)
留言9則, 8人參與, 最新討論串3/3 (看更多) Hugging Harold Reynolds: You have noted your physical likeness to Herm Klotz, who from the NBA do you most resemble mentally? 你提過你的身材類似Herm Klotz,那NBA裡的誰最能象徵你的心理層面? Zach Feinstein: Mark Cuban - well you never said it had to be a player (if you hadn't noticed I am a fan of loopholes). Mark Cuban—嘿嘿你沒說要是一個球員吧。(如果你沒注意,我也是個愛玩文字遊戲的人) HHR: Are you prepared for your future role as absentee father of several dozen children and how will that affect your free throw percentage? 你準備好未來身為一堆小孩的缺席父親的角色,還有這會如何影響你的罰球命中率了嗎? ZF: I feel this would never happen to me because I have followed the off-court experiences of Shawn Kemp and Karl Malone. As for my free throw percentage, well that can only go up. 我認為這不會發生在我身上,因為我遵守 Shawn Kemp和Karl Malone的球場外經驗。至 於我的罰球命中率,嗯只會繼續提高。 HHR: Is this all a ploy to get closer to Erin Andrews? If so, Bravo good sir. 這是為了要接近Erin Andrews的手法嗎?如果是,幹的好啊先生。 (譯註:Erin Andrews ) ZF: Which answer would get me the interview with her? 哪個答案可以讓她訪問我? HHR: I swear to God this is true: when I played youth Rec League Basketball I was terrible and frighteningly short. Somehow I managed to grab a rebound and took a shot and made it. Into my own team's basket. The only basket I made all year. What is your most memorable/emotionally scarring basketball memory? 我發誓這是真的:當我在打少年聯盟籃球的時候,我很糟,而且嚇死人地矮。不知怎麼 搞的我能夠抓到一個籃板,投籃,還會進。結果是自己隊的籃框。那是我整年唯一進的 一球。你最值得記憶/最恐怖的籃球回憶是什麼? ZF: Whoever said "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me" obviously never got trash-talked after missing 20 shots in a row. 不管是誰說「棍棒石頭可能會打斷我的骨頭,辱罵傷不了我一根毫毛。」 (譯註:英國 俗諺),他絕對沒有在罰球連續20次沒進後被垃圾話招呼過。 Because HHR believes in you, we think you deserve to be asked the same questions of any top draft pick. Here are a few that went to last year's top draft picks: 因為 HHR相信你,我們認為你值得被跟那些選秀熱門問一樣的問題。以下是一些去年拿 來問過選秀熱門的問題: HHR: How is important is it for you to go No. 1 overall? 得到選秀狀元對你來說有多重要? ZF: Not very, the site isn't 不是很重要,因為網站不是 。 HHR: What do you think you'll bring to a franchise as far as marketability? 你認為你可以替你的球隊帶來多大市場? ZF: Since I am at the size and skill level of the average fan, I can make a team appear more fan friendly. 既然我是個一般球迷標準的身材和技巧,我可以讓球隊更貼近球迷。 HHR: Good God Greg, you look like someone's grandfather. (you don't have to answer that one) Greg,你看起來像是某人的祖父。(你不用回答這一個) I'm rather certain this: 1. is not a question and 2. in multiple ways does not apply to me... but I like the comparison to Greg Oden since neither of us played any basketball this year. 我偏要:第一,這不是個問題。第二,這很多方面對我都不太適用……但是我喜歡這個 跟Greg Oden的比較,因為我們兩個今年都沒打任何籃球。 HHR: How do you feel about being compared to Tracy McGrady? 對於被拿來跟Tracy McGrady比較,你有什麼感覺? ZF: I feel good about it, seems reasonable, we both have won the same number of playoff series. 我感覺很好,似乎很合理,我們都贏過同樣數目的季後賽系列戰。 HHR: Is it true that whichever sneaker company you sign with, you want your shoe to be moderately priced? 不管跟哪家球鞋廠商簽約,你都希望你的鞋價格合理,這是真的嗎? ZF: I would not only want that, but demand it. Unless of course the deal is with a maker of driving shoes, then I might fail in negotiating due to my love of driving shoes. 我不只希望,我會要求。當然除非是個開車鞋的製造商,那我可能可以討論一下,基於 我對開車鞋的熱愛。 HHR: What's something you learned in college that's going to help you at the next level? 你在大學學到什麼東西,可以幫助你邁向下一個境界? ZF: With all the math courses I am taking, I would probably be an asset in statistically analyzing who should get the ball when the game is on the line. 在我所有學習過的數學課裡,我可能在數據分析方面會是一個重要的資產,所以在比賽 關鍵時應該拿球。 HHR: Do you feel the league, as it gets faster and smaller, is leaning a bit more toward your style of play? 你感覺到聯盟,球員變的更快更小,會是越來越靠近你的打球方式嗎? ZF: If we get rid of that faster part then yes. 如果我們去掉那個快的部分,那就沒錯。 HHR: Some people have knocked your toughness and level of aggression. What do you make of that? 有些人質疑你的硬漢程度,和侵略力的層級。你要如何解釋? ZF: I want to know the last time they have tried to play a sport against people over a foot taller and 100 pounds heavier. 我想要知道上次他們嘗試跟比他高一呎,重一百磅的人比賽是什麼時候。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

05/10 23:59, , 1F
we both have won the same number of playoff series...
05/10 23:59, 1F

05/10 23:59, , 2F
XDDDD...這句話超靠杯, TMac聽到應該會氣死.
05/10 23:59, 2F

05/11 00:03, , 3F
05/11 00:03, 3F

05/11 00:13, , 4F
還有neither of us played any basketball this year XD
05/11 00:13, 4F

05/11 04:18, , 5F
XDXD 快笑死了~
05/11 04:18, 5F

05/11 12:00, , 6F
鄉民組團去參加選秀好了 這樣可以上鏡頭跟上新聞XDDD
05/11 12:00, 6F

05/22 22:36, , 7F
05/22 22:36, 7F

05/25 15:11, , 8F
05/25 15:11, 8F

06/23 19:01, , 9F
06/23 19:01, 9F
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文章代碼(AID): #189SM-oV (NBAGM)