〔印城星報〕交易若不成,Artest 續留不啟用名單.

看板PACERS (印第安那 溜馬)作者 (Faith)時間19年前 (2005/12/18 16:23), 編輯推噓21(2107)
留言28則, 20人參與, 最新討論串1/1
If Pacers don't deal him, Artest will stay inactive Walsh says forward won't play again this year for Indiana 記者: Mike Wells 信箱:mike.wells@indystar.com 交易若不成, Artest 續留不啟用名單。 Walsh 說他們的前鋒今年內不會對上自家球隊。 Indiana Pacers CEO Donnie Walsh said if he can't make a suitable trade for Ron Artest, he will leave the former All-Star forward on the team's inactive list. 印地安那溜馬隊CEO Donnie Wlash 說如果他不能順利的把 Ron Artest 交易 出去,他會讓這位前全明星賽前鋒留在球隊的不啟用名單上。 Walsh said Friday he's heard from about 15 teams interested in Artest but that the Pacers are not going to jump at any offer. 週五 Walsh 說他已經被十五支左右的球隊探詢過交易 Artest 的事宜,但是 溜馬隊不急著成交。 "If we don't get a deal to our liking, we'll leave him on the inactive list," Walsh said. Walsh 說:「如果我們沒有談到中意的交易,我們會把他留在不啟用名單上」。 The inactive list allows teams to change rosters on a game-to-game basis, but Walsh said Artest will remain there for the rest of the season -- if he stays with the Pacers. Artest will still be paid his $6.8 million this season. 不啟用名單讓球隊可以以「一場比賽」為單位調整球員陣容。但是, Wlash 說 只要交易沒有談成,Artest 「本季」都會待在不啟用名單上。 Artest 仍然 會拿到六百八十萬的薪水。 Artest's agent, Mark Stevens, was quoted in Friday's USA Today saying he hoped Artest could remain with the Pacers. 根據 Artest 的經紀人 Mark Stevens 週五接受 USA Today 採訪時的說法,他 希望 Artest 待在溜馬隊。 "Hopefully it won't get done, and we can iron out the differences and work past this," Stevens told USA Today. 他說:「我希望交易不會成真,我們可以冰釋前嫌,度過這關。」 Walsh's comments Friday seem to make that scenario unlikely. Wlash 的說法顯然讓這情況發生的可能性降到零。 Artest returning to the active roster would cause friction inside the locker room. Several Pacers have said Artest has damaged his relationship with his teammates. Forward Jermaine O'Neal reiterated his comment from earlier this week Friday when he said the business relationship with Artest is over. Artest 回到啟用名單上會讓球隊氣氛生變。 好幾位球員已經說過 Artest 傷害 了球員間的感情。球隊前鋒 Jermaine O'Neal 重複週五的聲明,他說兩人間的 「同事情誼」已經宣告結束。 "The most disappointing part is he hasn't called anybody; no players or anything," O'Neal said. O'Neal 說:「最令人失望的是他還沒聯絡過任何人,任何球員,什麼都沒有。」 "Players don't forget stuff like that. We've been very forgiving to him. 「身為球員,不會忘記這種事情的。我們已經相當包容他了。」 "I will never play with him again. We can't ever play together." 「我絕對不再跟他一同打球,我們不能一起打球。」 A spokesman for the National Basketball Players Association said the union plans to challenge Artest's $10,000 fine for public comments about his desire for a trade. 國家籃球員協會發言人說該組織準備替 Artest 因為公開要求被交易而被判的一萬元 罰金提出上訴。 "We don't consider this to be a public trade demand," said Ron Klempner, associate council for the players association. "It wasn't calculated and the player didn't have an agenda." 球員協會顧問 Ron Klempner 說:「我們不認為這算公開要求被交易,這不是 事先有計畫的行為,這位球員沒有事先準備這樣做。」 Pacers win streaks 2 ~~ 這下子真的是:得罪了方丈還想走了... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

12/18 17:00, , 1F
唉 溜馬這兩年真是......................
12/18 17:00, 1F

12/18 17:01, , 2F
12/18 17:01, 2F

12/18 17:12, , 3F
12/18 17:12, 3F

12/18 17:13, , 4F
12/18 17:13, 4F

12/18 17:13, , 5F
12/18 17:13, 5F

12/18 17:26, , 6F
得罪了方丈還想走了... (要推齊嗎XD)
12/18 17:26, 6F

12/18 17:38, , 7F
12/18 17:38, 7F

12/18 17:50, , 8F
12/18 17:50, 8F

12/18 17:59, , 9F
XD 這下阿泰真的糗大了
12/18 17:59, 9F

12/18 18:21, , 10F
Walsh好樣的 得罪資方是很愚蠢的 叛徒你乾脆直接去唱片界吧
12/18 18:21, 10F

12/18 18:25, , 11F
12/18 18:25, 11F

12/18 19:35, , 12F
12/18 19:35, 12F

12/18 19:35, , 13F
守開特力? 選個字吧 (一個看到 思考5秒才看懂的人留)
12/18 19:35, 13F

12/18 21:55, , 14F
12/18 21:55, 14F

12/18 22:56, , 15F
12/18 22:56, 15F

12/18 23:07, , 16F
12/18 23:07, 16F

12/18 23:18, , 17F
哈哈 難道 "開特力" 是人 XD 尷尬了......
12/18 23:18, 17F

12/18 23:24, , 18F
www.gatorade.com/# 開特力有官網,開特例沒有. XD
12/18 23:24, 18F

12/19 00:31, , 19F
12/19 00:31, 19F

12/19 00:44, , 20F
越來越不懂了 =  =”  算了
12/19 00:44, 20F

12/19 00:56, , 21F
前幾天我才跟朋友講 要是沒好交易 我寧願冰阿泰
12/19 00:56, 21F

12/19 00:57, , 22F
也不要讓這顆不定時炸彈跑出來打球= =
12/19 00:57, 22F

12/19 00:57, , 23F
12/19 00:57, 23F

12/19 09:06, , 24F
12/19 09:06, 24F

12/19 12:30, , 25F
恩 我以為是首開特例 還想很久那句話要表達什麼 = ="
12/19 12:30, 25F

12/19 20:36, , 26F
12/19 20:36, 26F

12/20 23:23, , 27F
12/20 23:23, 27F

12/20 23:24, , 28F
12/20 23:24, 28F
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