Re: 外電 '又一次,Jones在需要他時準備好了'

看板PACERS (印第安那 溜馬)作者時間19年前 (2006/01/03 00:05), 編輯推噓3(301)
留言4則, 3人參與, 最新討論串2/3 (看更多)
看在今天大家那麼高興,竟然又有那麼多退伍弟兄 翻一篇外電表示慶祝. Freddie是我本身非常喜歡的一位球員. 勁暴的體能,優良的防守觀念,外加在溜馬的幾年逐漸練出外線. 只不過受限於身高太矮,一直無法得到先發地位. 不過這不會影響他在我心目中的地位啦! 在選秀時,曾看過報章媒體稱他為"Mr.Excited" 不知道什麼時候會爆發,我真的很期待他的表現. 問一些翻譯時不太懂的地方: The role roller-coaster would leave weaker men behind but Jones has thrived in the environment of long, slow climbs followed by sudden, swift rushes of exhilaration exhilaration是帶有愉悅的意思,但現在的情形看起來就不愉悅阿, I'm not the one out there scoring the points and so I'm put in a back-burner. But I've always known I can do this. I've always felt comfortable in this role and I enjoy it. I just have to fit the role the team needed me to do." back-burner是留置處理的意思,請問這說的是將得分這件事留置處理, 還是只教練團將Freddie留置在板凳上? After feeling like a spot-up shooter early in the season, Jones has excelled with the ball in his hands. spot-up shooter是什麼意思阿?看上下文來猜的話,我是猜等球射手. 不知有無猜錯,還請高手指證 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

01/03 00:41, , 1F
英文太差根本幫不上忙 > < 第三句應該是如此..對照後面的
01/03 00:41, 1F

01/03 00:42, , 2F
excelled with the ball in his hands.
01/03 00:42, 2F

01/03 01:08, , 3F
第二段意指Freddie樂於他目前的情況 即使是替補的得分手
01/03 01:08, 3F

01/03 08:09, , 4F
01/03 08:09, 4F
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