[情報] Draymond Green回應大O對其傳球的批評

看板NBA (美國籃球)作者 (Fernando Torres #9)時間4小時前 (2025/02/25 16:31), 編輯推噓28(33527)
留言65則, 50人參與, 2小時前最新討論串1/1
"I thought those comments were very interesting," Green told co-host Baron Davis. "The 'Big O' is 86 years old, so if you think I'm going to come on here and disrespect because there was disrespect thrown, that ain't how I roll. I'm never going to disrespect one of the pioneers of the game because he shared a bad opinion. "When speaking of the Big O, though ... We want to enjoy our last years we got with our pioneers, the time we do have left with them, we're going to enjoy that. I'm going to enjoy these last years." 「我覺得這些評論很有趣」嘴綠對另一位主持人戴維斯說。 「大O已經86歲了,所以如果你認為我會因為他的不敬言論而來這裡不尊重他,那就不 是我的風格。我永遠不會因為一位先驅者分享了一個糟糕的觀點而不尊重他。」 「但說到大O……我們希望珍惜與這些籃球先驅者共度的最後時光,在我們還擁有他們 的時候,我們要好好享受,我會珍惜這最後幾年的歲月。」 Robertson said the Warriors forward might find today's NBA "boring" because of how frequently he passes the ball to sharpshooting teammate Steph Curry. Green doesn't understand that criticism one bit, and pointed out what he believes to be the irony in Robertson's comments. 大O在批評嘴綠時表示,這位勇士球員可能覺得今天的NBA無聊,是因為他太常把球傳給 隊友咖哩。 對於這種批評,嘴綠表示完全無法理解,並指出大O的言論中存在諷刺的意味。 "When we start talking about knowing the game and how you think the game, I'm not sure what idiot wouldn't want to pass Steph Curry the ball when he's the greatest shooter of all time," Green added. "I don't really take that personal. Certain games I'm going to look for him even more than you're accustomed to me looking for him, because why wouldn't I? "... For a guy who averaged 11 assists [per game], you were also passing the ball. You cannot quite average 11 assists and not pass the ball. In the year that Big O won a championship when he was starting to age, you were passing the ball to Kareem Abdul-Jabbar himself. Not quite sure where the dig comes from." 「當我們談論對比賽的理解和思考方式時,我不知道哪個白痴會不願意把球傳給咖哩, 畢竟他是歷史上最偉大的射手」嘴綠補充道。 「我並不會對此太在意。在某些比賽中,我甚至會比平常更頻繁地找他,為什麼不呢?」 對於一個場均能送出11次助攻的人來說,你顯然也在傳球。不可能場均11次助攻卻不傳 球。在大O贏得總冠軍的那一年,他已經開始老化,而當時你把球傳給的人可是賈霸。 所以不太確定這番批評的意圖是什麼。 Green also revealed that he saw and spoke with Robertson before the Kia Skills Challenge during All-Star Saturday Night at Chase Center and received plenty of praise from his soon-to-be detractor. "During the skills challenge that I blew, I saw him on the sidelines," Green shared. "I got up out of my seat, I said 'hello,' and he's like, 'Man, you're still out there doing it. Keep on going, love watching you play, man. I just love watching you play, you keep going.' So to hear him say that and then the next morning he completely flipped and go opposite, I was a little surprised by that, I must say. Because it wasn't quite that same energy when I saw him." 嘴綠還透露,他在全明星週六晚上的技術挑戰賽前見到了大O,當時這位名宿還對他大力 讚賞。 「在技術挑戰賽期間,我看到他站在場邊」嘴綠分享道。 「我從座位上站起來,走過去跟他打招呼,他對我說,兄弟,你還在場上拼呢!繼續加油 ,我很喜歡看你的比賽,真的很喜歡看你打球,繼續努力。」 「所以當我聽到他這麼說後,在第二天早上態度卻突然反轉,說完全相反的話,說實話, 我有點驚訝。因為當我見到他時,他可完全不是這種語氣。」 "Quite honestly, at 86, I'm pretty sure Big O ain't watching many of our games. Big O [is] sound asleep by the time we play at night," Green told a giggling Davis. "He sound asleep. There's zero percent chance Big O is up watching the Dubs." 「說真的86歲的大O,我敢肯定他根本沒在看我們的比賽。等到我們比賽的時候,大O早就 上床睡覺了」嘴綠笑著對的戴維斯說。 「他肯定已經睡著了,大O不可能還醒著觀看勇士隊的比賽。」 消息來源:https://reurl.cc/ZZmL6l 短評或心得:得體 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1740472265.A.F4E.html

02/25 16:33, 4小時前 , 1F
02/25 16:33, 1F

02/25 16:35, 4小時前 , 2F
得體 尊重老人家
02/25 16:35, 2F

02/25 16:35, 4小時前 , 3F
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02/25 16:38, 4小時前 , 6F
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02/25 16:39, 4小時前 , 7F
俗仔大o 怕被扁
02/25 16:39, 7F

02/25 16:40, 4小時前 , 8F
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02/25 16:40, 4小時前 , 9F
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02/25 16:45, 4小時前 , 15F
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02/25 16:45, 4小時前 , 16F
暗酸吧 哪裡得體
02/25 16:45, 16F

02/25 16:48, 4小時前 , 17F
02/25 16:48, 17F

02/25 16:48, 4小時前 , 18F
暗諷吧 時日不多 給個尊重
02/25 16:48, 18F

02/25 16:49, 4小時前 , 19F
再酸也沒幾年 XD
02/25 16:49, 19F

02/25 16:49, 4小時前 , 20F
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02/25 16:50, 4小時前 , 21F
綠師傅上一場有在攻擊籃筐 算是有聽進去吧
02/25 16:50, 21F

02/25 16:51, 4小時前 , 22F
翻譯:1.你也沒幾年可以嘴了 2.你不也都傳給賈霸
02/25 16:51, 22F

02/25 16:51, 4小時前 , 23F
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02/25 16:53, 4小時前 , 24F
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02/25 16:53, 4小時前 , 25F
人家不只只做傳球和助攻 人家也強力發動進攻
02/25 16:53, 25F

02/25 16:54, 4小時前 , 26F
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02/25 16:55, 4小時前 , 27F
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02/25 16:57, 4小時前 , 28F
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02/25 17:01, 3小時前 , 29F
沒有大O的勞資訴訟 就沒有你們現在這群億萬富翁 大O
02/25 17:01, 29F

02/25 17:01, 3小時前 , 30F
02/25 17:01, 30F

02/25 17:04, 3小時前 , 31F
我來翻譯 嘴綠: 他是還有幾年~涮涮去啦~~~
02/25 17:04, 31F

02/25 17:05, 3小時前 , 32F
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02/25 17:05, 3小時前 , 33F
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02/25 17:07, 3小時前 , 35F
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02/25 17:08, 3小時前 , 36F
這哪裡有禮貌 根本就是酸說沒幾年好活了
02/25 17:08, 36F

02/25 17:10, 3小時前 , 37F
這哪裡得體 XD
02/25 17:10, 37F

02/25 17:11, 3小時前 , 38F
這不是嘴大O沒幾年能活的意思嗎? 明明超靠盃的好嗎
02/25 17:11, 38F

02/25 17:17, 3小時前 , 39F
夭壽喔 推文不要真有小朋友以為這樣很有禮然後去跟
02/25 17:17, 39F

02/25 17:17, 3小時前 , 40F
畢竟86歲不能扁 也只能這樣
02/25 17:17, 40F

02/25 17:17, 3小時前 , 41F
人家長輩這樣講 絕對會出大事
02/25 17:17, 41F

02/25 17:25, 3小時前 , 42F
這根本在說大O剩沒幾年 人品真的高尚
02/25 17:25, 42F

02/25 17:25, 3小時前 , 43F
這暗諷我覺得回的還行阿 不然被老人家嘴不用錢的?
02/25 17:25, 43F

02/25 17:27, 3小時前 , 44F
邏輯王又再亂回了 講那一串跟自己說比賽無聊有什麼
02/25 17:27, 44F

02/25 17:28, 3小時前 , 45F
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02/25 17:38, 3小時前 , 50F
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02/25 17:38, 3小時前 , 51F
古代版龜龜懂啥現代籃球 都打不贏台籃
02/25 17:38, 51F

02/25 17:49, 3小時前 , 52F
02/25 17:49, 52F

02/25 17:58, 3小時前 , 53F
嘴綠會不爽很正常阿 他要是只會傳給咖哩早就比kt還
02/25 17:58, 53F

02/25 17:58, 3小時前 , 54F
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02/25 18:00, 2小時前 , 55F
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02/25 18:12, 2小時前 , 56F
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02/25 18:13, 2小時前 , 57F
隊友能得分 你不傳 是打算氣氛嗎
02/25 18:13, 57F

02/25 18:15, 2小時前 , 58F
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02/25 18:20, 2小時前 , 59F
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02/25 18:21, 2小時前 , 60F
如果傳球能讓球隊得分 為啥不傳 難道要霸著球不放
02/25 18:21, 60F

02/25 18:25, 2小時前 , 61F
‘’嘴綠很高興認識你 我是你的fans‘’
02/25 18:25, 61F

02/25 18:26, 2小時前 , 62F
02/25 18:26, 62F

02/25 18:27, 2小時前 , 63F
你傳給賈霸刷助攻 我傳給咖哩刷助攻 沒什麼不同吧
02/25 18:27, 63F

02/25 18:28, 2小時前 , 64F
除了給咖哩的 嘴綠傳球的時機位置不錯 但技巧一蹋
02/25 18:28, 64F

02/25 18:29, 2小時前 , 65F
糊塗 四爺就有抱怨過他傳的球很難接
02/25 18:29, 65F
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