[外絮] Nico:Kyrie 是獨行俠的靈魂與核心

看板NBA (美國籃球)作者 (洛城浪子)時間18小時前 (2025/03/05 21:25), 編輯推噓-58(10115975)
留言335則, 283人參與, 3小時前最新討論串1/1
https://reurl.cc/qnyDAR https://reurl.cc/G57kzW Mavericks’ Nico Harrison lauds ‘heart and soul’ Kyrie Irving after season- ending ACL tear The Mavericks will have to play the rest of the season without a player that general manager Nico Harrison described as the “heart and soul” of the team. 獨行俠接下來的賽季, 將不得不在缺少 GM Nico Harrison 口中「球隊的靈魂與核心」的情況下繼續前進。 It was part of a statement that Harrison released on Tuesday night in reaction to the news that Kyrie Irving would be out the rest of the season after he suffered a season-ending torn ACL in his left knee in the Mavs’ loss to the Kings on Monday night. 這是 Harrison 在週二晚間發表聲明的一部分, 他對於 Kyrie Irving 因左膝前十字韌帶(ACL)撕裂導致賽季報銷的消息做出了回應。 這場傷病發生在獨行俠週一晚對陣國王的比賽。 “There aren’t words to fully describe who Kyrie Irving is to this team or what he means to us as an organization,” Harrison said in his statement. Kyrie is the heart and soul of this team, and he has embraced the city of Dallas as his home and our fans as an extension of his own family,” general manager Nico Harrison said in a statement. “His work ethic and absolute dedication to his craft, it’s cut from the cloth of greats. I know it, I lived it, and I see the same ferocity and passion in him that I saw in Kobe.” 「沒有任何言語, 能完全表達 Kyrie Irving 對這支球隊的意義,或是他對我們這個組織的重要性。」 「Kyrie 是這支球隊的靈魂與核心,他將達拉斯視為自己的家, 也把我們的球迷當成自己的家人。他的職業態度與對籃球的極致投入, 與偉大球員如出一轍。 我深知這一點,因為我親身經歷過,我在他身上看到了與 Kobe 相同的激情與拼勁。」 “All of my thoughts and that of our staff are with Kyrie and his family, and we are confident that he will come back from this stronger than ever just like he always has.” 「我和我們整個團隊的心都與 Kyrie 及他的家人同在, 我們堅信他一定會像以往一樣,用比以往更強大的姿態重返賽場。」 Irving had been averaging 24.7 points, 4.8 rebounds and 4.6 assists per game this year before suffering the injury. The Mavericks star addressed his injury in an Instagram Live on Tuesday night. Irving 在受傷前,本賽季場均可貢獻 24.7 分、4.8 個籃板和 4.6 次助攻。 這位獨行俠球星在週二晚間的 Instagram Live 中談到了自己的傷勢。 “I just want to take the time out to thank each and every one of you that tweeted me or sent something on Instagram or sent something on any of the social media channels. If you texted me, I just wanted to say thank you so much, and it doesn’t go unnoticed.” 「我只是想花點時間感謝每一位給我發推文、在 Instagram 上留言, 或通過任何社交媒體聯繫我的人。如果你給我發了簡訊,我只是想說非常感謝你們, 這些我都看到了。」 “It hasn’t been 48 hours since I tore my ACL, but, you know, the recovery process already started mentally, spiritually, emotionally. So just wanted to let you guys know I’m okay and I will be okay moving forward. It does suck a lot. I ain’t gonna lie to you guys. It’s. Yeah, this one stings for sure, but I have a great support system around me. I have incredible family members and friends, and I know I’m supported not just here in America, but internationally. And I’m not on this journey alone.” 「我撕裂了 ACL 還不到48小時, 但你知道的,康復過程已經在精神、靈性、情感面上開始了。 所以我只想告訴大家,我還好,我會繼續好下去。 這傷勢真的很糟,我不會對你們撒謊,這確實很痛苦,但我身邊有很棒的系統在幫我。 我有不可思議的家人和朋友支持,我知道不僅在美國,還有全世界都有人在支持我。 我並不是孤單一人在這段旅程中孤軍奮戰。」 “You know, it’s not easy sitting up all day in the bed and recovering and thinking about the what ifs and what could have possibly went this way or that way. So, yeah, I’m just trying to explain to you guys the human emotions that I’m going through right now is, yeah, it’s tough, but at the same time, I put it in its proper context and proper perspective. I gave it [my] all this season, was giving it all, you know, starting in the summertime after we lost in the Finals. It’s been a lot of change that’s happened very quickly over the last month and some change, so I’ve been dealing with emotions just with that too. And I’ll have time to kind of go deeper into those emotions when I have the time, but as of right now, I’m gonna take it in stride. I just wanted to tell you guys I love you and I’ll be updating you guys. I don ’t know when, but I’m not gonna get silent or try to run away from the pain or run away from telling you guys the truth of what’s going on. You guys are part of my journey and part of my process of recovery now, and I will be back and I will be better.” 「你知道,一整天躺在床上康復,思考那些可能發生的事情, 那些『如果』的情況是很不容易的。 所以,嗯,我只是想告訴大家我現在經歷的每個人都有的情緒, 嗯,這很難,但同時我也把它放在正確的背景和視點之下。 我這個賽季已經全力以赴了,從我們在總冠軍賽落敗後, 夏天就已經開始努力了。這一個月來,發生了很多變化,速度非常快, 所以我也在處理與此相關的情緒。 我會有時間更深入地探討這些情緒,當我有時間閒下來的時候, 但現在,我會順其自然。我只是想告訴大家,我愛你們,我會繼續更新情況。 我不確定何時,但我不會保持沉默,也不會逃避痛苦或逃避告訴你們真相。 你們是我旅程的一部分,也是我康復過程的一部分,我會回來的,我會變得更強。」 “Learning how to deal with adversity and pain and suffering is just as important as learning how to deal with success and happiness and all the good things that come with, you know, feeling good, mentally, spiritually, emotionally. So when you get knocked back and you’re not able to, you know, have all the answers right away, that’s okay, too, you know, so I’m gonna give myself some grace like I’ve been extending grace to everybody else. I’m gonna take some time to be selfish and recover and get better, get healthy. 「學會如何應對逆境、痛苦和煎熬, 和學會如何應對成功、快樂以及所有讓人感覺美好的事情一樣重要。 所以當你被擊倒,而無法立刻得到所有答案時,那也沒關係。 所以,我會像給大家闡述的那樣,給自己多些寬容。 我會花些時間,對自己稍微自私一下,康復、變得更好、變得更健康。」 “... When you fall down nine times, you get up 10. I don’t know any other strategy. It’s just when you fall down, you get back up, and there’s no time to feel bad for yourself or feel sorry, feel the emotions, but this is part of it.” 「... 當你跌倒九次,就站起來十次。 我不知道其他振作的策略,當你跌倒時,你就站起來, 沒有時間為自己感到難過或可憐,感受那些情緒,但這就是其中的一部分。」 “... All I wanted was a chance to just play the game that I love and do things that I love. And I think that the greatest gift that I got that I gave to myself was going to that free throw line and hitting both free throws. If I didn’t make both free throws, and if you know, you know, if I didn’t make those free throws, I would have been pissed off all year. You guys have no idea. Like, I would have been pissed. So I’m glad and grateful that I was, you know, resilient enough and powerful and strong enough to go up there and make my free throws, because I know that meant something, not only for me, but for all those out there that were worried. I know you guys were feeling for me, so thank you, guys. I appreciate you again. I don’t know how many times I can say thank you.” 「... 我唯一想做的,就是有機會繼續打我熱愛的比賽,做我喜歡做的事。 我覺得,我給自己的最大禮物就是走上罰球線,命中那兩次罰球。 如果我沒有命中那兩次罰球,大家應該知道的,如果我沒命中,那我今年會超不爽。 你們可能無法理解,我真的會超級生氣。 所以,我很高興並感激自己足夠堅韌、有足夠的力量和勇氣去上去罰球, 因為我知道這對我來說意義重大,不僅是對我,還對那些擔心我的人。 我知道你們在為我擔心,謝謝你們。再次感謝,我不知道我還能說多少次感謝。」 The injury is another blow to the Mavericks, who have had to deal with several in recent days. That list already included Anthony Davis (adductor strain), who had to exit his first game after the blockbuster trade that sent him to the Lone Star State and shipped star Luka Doncic to Los Angeles. 這次傷病對獨行俠來說又是一個打擊,球隊最近已經面臨了多次傷病困擾。 這份名單中已經包括 Anthony Davis(內收肌拉傷), 他在這筆震撼交易後,來到德州的首場比賽中就不得不退場, 而這筆交易也將明星球員 Luka Doncic 送到了洛杉磯。 https://i.imgur.com/T98Z2lY.png
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1741181144.A.010.html

03/05 21:26, 18小時前 , 1F
這個靈魂都快湊出彩虹球衣了 別笑死人好嗎
03/05 21:26, 1F

03/05 21:26, 18小時前 , 2F
KI是 但你不是
03/05 21:26, 2F

03/05 21:27, 18小時前 , 3F
真正的靈魂你自己賣給湖人了 sb
03/05 21:27, 3F

03/05 21:27, 18小時前 , 4F
03/05 21:27, 4F

03/05 21:27, 18小時前 , 5F
03/05 21:27, 5F

03/05 21:27, 18小時前 , 6F
我更相信 賭城論了
03/05 21:27, 6F

03/05 21:28, 18小時前 , 7F
Luka: ?
03/05 21:28, 7F

03/05 21:28, 18小時前 , 8F
03/05 21:28, 8F

03/05 21:29, 18小時前 , 9F
完了 這麼說下一步就是交易他了
03/05 21:29, 9F

03/05 21:29, 18小時前 , 10F
03/05 21:29, 10F

03/05 21:29, 18小時前 , 11F
03/05 21:29, 11F

03/05 21:30, 18小時前 , 12F
把這傢伙那些話中的KI換成77 你會發覺根本不違和
03/05 21:30, 12F

03/05 21:30, 18小時前 , 13F
03/05 21:30, 13F

03/05 21:30, 18小時前 , 14F
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03/05 21:30, 18小時前 , 15F
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03/05 21:30, 18小時前 , 16F
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03/05 21:30, 18小時前 , 19F
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03/05 21:30, 18小時前 , 20F
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03/05 21:30, 18小時前 , 21F
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03/05 21:30, 18小時前 , 22F
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03/05 21:30, 18小時前 , 23F
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03/05 21:30, 18小時前 , 24F
03/05 21:30, 24F

03/05 21:30, 18小時前 , 25F
03/05 21:30, 25F

03/05 21:31, 18小時前 , 26F
Nico說什麼都是對的 我是湖迷
03/05 21:31, 26F

03/05 21:31, 18小時前 , 27F
03/05 21:31, 27F

03/05 21:31, 18小時前 , 28F
03/05 21:31, 28F

03/05 21:31, 18小時前 , 29F
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03/05 21:31, 18小時前 , 30F
03/05 21:31, 30F

03/05 21:32, 18小時前 , 31F
Nico一波操作直接把小犢從季後賽變成坦隊 厲害了
03/05 21:32, 31F

03/05 21:32, 18小時前 , 32F
03/05 21:32, 32F

03/05 21:32, 18小時前 , 33F
03/05 21:32, 33F

03/05 21:33, 18小時前 , 34F
03/05 21:33, 34F

03/05 21:33, 18小時前 , 35F
03/05 21:33, 35F

03/05 21:33, 18小時前 , 36F
好 賣掉KI
03/05 21:33, 36F

03/05 21:34, 18小時前 , 37F
03/05 21:34, 37F

03/05 21:34, 18小時前 , 38F
03/05 21:34, 38F

03/05 21:35, 18小時前 , 39F
03/05 21:35, 39F
還有 256 則推文
03/06 05:41, 10小時前 , 296F
03/06 05:41, 296F

03/06 06:14, 9小時前 , 297F
03/06 06:14, 297F

03/06 06:30, 9小時前 , 298F
03/06 06:30, 298F

03/06 06:48, 9小時前 , 299F
03/06 06:48, 299F

03/06 07:14, 8小時前 , 300F
幹你Nico !!!
03/06 07:14, 300F

03/06 07:26, 8小時前 , 301F
03/06 07:26, 301F

03/06 07:44, 8小時前 , 302F
03/06 07:44, 302F

03/06 07:44, 8小時前 , 303F
笑死人了 這咖小真可悲
03/06 07:44, 303F

03/06 07:47, 8小時前 , 304F
03/06 07:47, 304F

03/06 07:47, 8小時前 , 305F
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03/06 07:47, 8小時前 , 306F
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03/06 07:59, 8小時前 , 307F
03/06 07:59, 307F

03/06 08:08, 7小時前 , 308F
03/06 08:08, 308F

03/06 08:10, 7小時前 , 309F
不是又要忿怒嗎 真的有夠假
03/06 08:10, 309F

03/06 08:17, 7小時前 , 310F
籃球之神已經看不下去了 別再說了
03/06 08:17, 310F

03/06 08:24, 7小時前 , 311F
太扯了吧Nico 你對77的發言有像對KI這樣尊重過嗎
03/06 08:24, 311F

03/06 08:27, 7小時前 , 312F
NICO就是叛徒 KI斷腿他責任最大
03/06 08:27, 312F

03/06 08:36, 7小時前 , 313F
03/06 08:36, 313F

03/06 08:40, 7小時前 , 314F
靈魂 所以要賣貴一點?
03/06 08:40, 314F

03/06 08:46, 7小時前 , 315F
03/06 08:46, 315F

03/06 08:54, 7小時前 , 316F
你不要講那麼多 之前是不是也想賣他
03/06 08:54, 316F

03/06 09:01, 7小時前 , 317F
全世界都罵賣隊魂 只好自己辯解 隊魂是KI不是77
03/06 09:01, 317F

03/06 09:16, 6小時前 , 318F
03/06 09:16, 318F

03/06 09:25, 6小時前 , 319F

03/06 09:27, 6小時前 , 320F
77:哈 真謝嘍老兄
03/06 09:27, 320F

03/06 09:44, 6小時前 , 321F
03/06 09:44, 321F

03/06 10:04, 5小時前 , 322F
Nico go to hell
03/06 10:04, 322F

03/06 10:05, 5小時前 , 323F
03/06 10:05, 323F

03/06 10:10, 5小時前 , 324F
Nico 滾
03/06 10:10, 324F

03/06 10:25, 5小時前 , 325F
脫粉了 噁心
03/06 10:25, 325F

03/06 10:26, 5小時前 , 326F
03/06 10:26, 326F

03/06 10:37, 5小時前 , 327F
搞不好就牠跟肥豬吃軟飯老闆建議的咧 牠才是主謀好
03/06 10:37, 327F

03/06 10:37, 5小時前 , 328F
03/06 10:37, 328F

03/06 10:39, 5小時前 , 329F
03/06 10:39, 329F

03/06 10:40, 5小時前 , 330F
別裝了 大家都知道你是湖人之友
03/06 10:40, 330F

03/06 11:22, 4小時前 , 331F
03/06 11:22, 331F

03/06 11:25, 4小時前 , 332F
FK Nico, 把77丟掉講贛話
03/06 11:25, 332F

03/06 12:01, 4小時前 , 333F
這個推是給KI的 這回應太正面太強大
03/06 12:01, 333F

03/06 12:24, 3小時前 , 334F
03/06 12:24, 334F

03/06 12:52, 3小時前 , 335F
03/06 12:52, 335F
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