Re: [情報]T-MAC SPEAKS: 90% Sure .. Lakers or …

看板Orl-Magic (奧蘭多 魔術)作者 (fuyuji)時間20年前 (2004/06/01 00:30), 編輯推噓0(000)
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※ 引述《myflame (呆瓜天使)》之銘言: : From : Orlando Sentinal : T-Mac lacks patience for rebuilding team : The star guard said he'll push for a trade if the Magic don't add proven : veterans this summer. : Tracy McGrady would rather quickly relocate to another team this summer : than slowly rebuild with the Orlando Magic. : If the Magic can't significantly improve next season by making deals -- : moving their No. 1 pick for veteran players, for example -- McGrady told : the Sentinel on Friday that he would "probably have no choice" but to push : for a trade in mid-July to a Western Conference team. : 這篇跟florida report一樣 : 以是說T-mac不想去湖人馬刺 : 比較想去火箭那種球隊 (又是離家近 XD) : 大家覺得T-mac離開的機率有多大? 其實今年要不要離開魔術又不是他自己可以決定的... 若球團沒信心能夠補強成功來說服他留下而交易他的話,也是沒辦法的事 畢竟NBA又沒規定一定要在今年就承諾延長合約,我倒覺得根本就是球團心裡有鬼 不願意參考T-MAC的意見並且根本就沒有心好好經營(大概被HILL嚇到了) 若今年T-MAC沒被交易明年會不會選擇離開? 我敢說如果下球季沒拿到東南分組冠軍或至少闖進季後賽第二輪 那小麥鐵定走人!!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:
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