[請益] 有關神米的一則舊聞......

看板PACERS (印第安那 溜馬)作者 (Pippo Love)時間19年前 (2006/03/25 14:03), 編輯推噓1(103)
留言4則, 2人參與, 最新討論串1/1
這是我從一個類似八卦網站上看來的 原link: http://p076.ezboard.com/fpoliticalpalacefrm56.showMessage?topicID=398.topic 文章如下: Q: Is Reggie Miller single, married, dating, etc? What旧 his status? ~Regina A: Reggie Miller (Indiana Pacers), I believe officially divorced his wife of eight years recently, meaning paper work, kinks, pre-nump agreements, etc. Reggie Miller旧 ex-wife旧 name is Marita Stavrou. She旧 been in some minor movie roles. He supposedly said that she doesn急 deserve more than $3,000 a month versus what she旧 asking...$18,000 per month! She pays $10,000in rent for a New York apartment, $500 for parking, $3,500 for a personal trainer, and $2,000 for a maid. He makes about $12 million a year. Word is Reggie旧 not wasting any time dating. I even heard his ex-wife burned up his crib a few years back! 是講神米跟他前妻之間的糾紛(有關贍養費) 讓其中一段話讓我想到97年 神米家在印地安納的豪宅遭縱火燒燬的新聞 好恐怖...... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/25 20:31, , 1F
03/25 20:31, 1F

04/08 02:28, , 2F
04/08 02:28, 2F

04/08 02:30, , 3F
04/08 02:30, 3F

04/08 02:31, , 4F
04/08 02:31, 4F
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