Re: Penny的新聞

看板PHX-Suns (鳳凰城 太陽)作者 (Amare~)時間21年前 (2003/11/22 15:17), 編輯推噓4(400)
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我回來了,這麼一大篇有點懶得翻,我挑幾段: "It's been like a nightmare to me," Hardaway said. "I'm in the best physical shape since I've been in Phoenix. I feel like I can play point guard for any team in the league and average a double-double. I still have a lot to offer. I have a window of opportunity. I'm 32 and I have three or four great years of basketball left in me. I want a shot at being the Penny Hardaway everyone knew five years ago, but I feel I can't do that here. They've moved on here. They've got Joe Johnson and Casey Jacobsen and I feel like the organization is kind of giving up on me and doesn't think I can come around." 他說他認為他目前的身體狀況是來到Phoenix以後感到最好的一次。 他覺得他能夠在聯盟的每一隊打PG且有好成績。他才32歲,至少還能有三、四年的高峰。 他希望能有機會回到以前大家認識的那個Penny。 不過他覺得在球隊加入JJ和帥哥以後,似乎有點放棄他的感覺。 Hardaway isn't exactly demanding a trade or going to make a fuss. He appreciates the generous contract he got from the Suns, who pay him $13.5 million this seas on and about $30 million additional through the 2005-06 season. He knows no one feels sorry for rich basketball players, so he's not seeking sympathy. Just the ball. 這一段不是他講的,是記者寫的。記者說Penny並沒有要求被交易,他只希望有球打。 "I don't want to retire early, sit on the bench and get a check," Hardaway said. "I want to finish my career on a high note. I was as popular as you can be -- All-NBA, Olympian. You couldn't get any higher than where I was. Now people think I'm done and washed up. They think if you're coming off the bench it means you can't play anymore. You get 14, 16 minutes, they figure you can't do anything anymore. But it's not the case. I'm competitive, athletic and I feel spry again. I can show that to people. I just don't feel I can do it with the Suns." 他不想提早退休,也不想坐板凳領乾薪。他認為他曾經高峰過,曾經達到任何人所能 達到的成就,但現在人們似乎認為Penny的時代已經結束了,認為Penny不能打了。 不過他自己覺得他仍然有能力向人們證明他還能打。不過他覺得太陽隊不是一個能 讓他展現實力的地方。 後面也有談到他的薪水問題,目前沒什麼球隊願意且能夠吃下他一千多萬的年薪。 他也提到之前受傷時的情況,然後提到Vin Baker,他也希望如Baker一樣能夠 回到以往的水準。(他還說他不像Grant Hill要休息兩年來養傷…哈哈!) 最後: "I'm a team guy," Hardaway added. "I don't want to make any waves. I'm being the professional, but I have dreams and wishes, too. ... I want to have a shot at being Penny again. I feel I can't have it here. ... I still have the skills, and I have the maturity from learning this game. The storm should be over." 總之呢,整篇報導在說他非常希望有球打,而他自己也認為他還能打, 甚至不只是能打,還能恢復以往的水準。 好啦,希望這篇文章不要再讓大家又吵起來。 記得要討論的話語氣盡量好一點,對事不對人哦! Penny也說I don't want to make any waves. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Stoudemire 來自: (11/22 15:52)

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