Re: Penny的新聞

看板PHX-Suns (鳳凰城 太陽)作者 (MC Dr.Sun￾ ￾N￾ ￾ )時間21年前 (2003/11/22 16:05), 編輯推噓1(100)
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※ 引述《Stoudemire (Amare~)》之銘言: 我把全文整理補完: Penny's two cents: Play me PHOENIX -- Penny Hardaway got a new tattoo this summer. It reads "The Storm is Over." 鳳凰城的Penny Hardaway在這個夏天刺了一個新刺青:"The Storm is Over." But the winds of doubt still haunt the former three-time, All-NBA player, the LeBron James of a decade ago who is tethered to the bench in Phoenix, a forgotten role player who wants people not only to remember who he was but to know he can be someone again. 但是這場風波尚未結束,依然困擾著這位過去三度的全明星球員,天才LeBron James的出 現,讓人們想到這位被繩子緊緊綁在鳳凰城板凳上的明星球員,這位被幾近遺忘的球員不僅想 要讓人們記起他,也要讓人們知道,他能夠再次成為"那個人" "It's been like a nightmare to me," Hardaway said. " I'm in the best physical shape since I've been in Phoenix. I feel like I can play point guard for any team in the league and average a double-double. I still have a lot to offer. I have a window of opportunity. I'm 32 and I have three or four great years of basketball left in me. I want a shot at being the Penny Hardaway everyone knew five years ago, but I feel I can't do that here. They've moved on here. They've got Joe Johnson and Casey Jacobsen and I feel like the organization is kind of giving up on me and doesn't think I can come around." "這對我來說就像一場惡夢"Penny說道, 我現在的身體狀況是我加入太陽隊以來最好的一年,我認為我可以為聯盟中的每隻球隊提供 控球後衛的戰力,我依然有足夠的機會去證明,我才32歲,我還有3到4年的籃球生命,再過去 五年來,我想要證明我是過去大家熟悉的Penny Hardaway,但在這裡(鳳凰城)我沒辦法,球隊 在加入了Joe Johnson和Casey Jacobsen以後,似乎放棄了我,而且認為我不能夠在有所作為 Hardaway isn't exactly demanding a trade or going to make a fuss. He appreciates the generous contract he got from the Suns, who pay him $13.5 million this season and about $30 million additional through the 2005-06 season. He knows no one feels sorry for rich basketball players, so he's not seeking sympathy. Just the ball. 記者說道Penny沒有要求被交易,只要求有球可打(中間說明他薪水的狀況) He once had it, and when he did, there were few better. He was All-NBA first-team point guard in 1995 and 1996, a Magic Johnson-like player who filled up the box score. With hops and one of the best advertising campaigns ever, the Lil' Penny alter ego, he was the Next In Line. But Hardaway was struck down by five knee operations, most of which he played through with uneven results. The NBA moved on. 說明他過去的風光(這大家都知道,不再多述) Hardaway doesn't have the explosiveness anymore, but he still can shoot, pass and run a team. He says doctors have told him his healing is complete. Penny如今已不再具有爆發力,但他依然可以投籃,傳球助攻,全場奔跑,醫生告訴他他的 健康已經沒有問題了 "I don't want to retire early, sit on the bench and get a check," Hardaway said. "I want to finish my career on a high note. I was as popular as you can be -- All-NBA, Olympian. You couldn't get any higher than where I was. Now people think I'm done and washed up. They think if you're coming off the bench it means you can't play anymore. You get 14, 16 minutes, they figure you can't do anything anymore. But it's not the case. I'm competitive, athletic and I feel spry again. I can show that to people. I just don't feel I can do it with the Suns." "我不想提早退休,我過去曾是那麼的風光,我想要讓我nba生涯光榮的結束,而不是在板凳上 渡完餘生"Penny說道 "現在人們認為我不行了,每場只能上來14,16分鐘跑跑龍套,但是事實並不是這樣!!我可以 再次展現我的活力,我的熱情,我的競爭力!!但在太陽,我沒辦法去證明" Anyone need a point guard? There's that money thing, $13.5 million this season, $14.6 million in 2004-05 and $15.8 million in 2005-06. In this more economically aware era of the NBA, teams are reluctant to take on big contracts, especially for players averaging 5.6 points and 1.4 assists, as Hardaway was entering this week 有人缺控球後衛嗎?? 這是Penny薪資的問題(說明薪資) 特別是到這週為止,penny平均每場只有5.6分和1.4助攻 But it's hard to to average double figures with about six shots a game and playing 18 minutes, as Hardaway has this season as a forgotten man for the struggling Suns. Hardaway knows what they say when you don't play and your team doesn't win: There must be something wrong with him. He must be done 但是在18分鐘內只有六次出手的機會下,是很難得到雙位數的分數的,這個球季,Penny 是被太陽隊遺忘的人,有人說道,Penny沒球打,太陽就沒球贏,Penny也知道這點,太陽和 Penny之間有某種誤會,他必需要上場讓球隊贏球 Like they said about Vin Baker. 就像Vin Baker那樣 "I was on one leg trying to survive," said Hardaway, who missed 24 games last season but just two the season before after surgery. "When I was injured, all the negative press was warranted. I deserved it. I was trying to be a team guy, playing hurt. I never took two years off to try to get fully well like Grant Hill. I was getting paid. I could have taken off. I wasn't able to run full speed. I was in terrible pain. I endured all that. Now it's time for me to go back to those glory days again. I can run and jump and score. Not being able to prove it hurts the most. "我試著用一隻腿繼續打球"Penny說道 過去Penny兩個球季因為手術錯過了24場比賽 "當我受傷時,我承受著各方的指責和壓力,我試著當一個團隊球員,因為打球受傷,我不想 像G.Hill一樣休養幾個球季,我承受著這些壓力,人們說我該放棄了,說我跑不快跳不高, 我很痛苦,並且忍受這全部的批評和指責"現在我想甩開過去這種灰色的日子,我想要再次證明 我還能跑能跳能得分." "I can play the game," Hardaway added. "I want my respect back. I'm happy for Vin Baker. That's the type of story you want to hear, coming back and showing everyone who was down on you. I worked my butt off to get back that old form , but I'm not able to have the chance." "我能夠打好球,我很高興Vin Baker的表現,回到場上證明自己,讓大家知道你回來了 我也想像Vin Baker一樣,但是我沒有個機會" So is it real or is it just a memory? Hardaway was something to behold when he and Shaquille O'Neal went to the NBA Finals in just his second NBA season. They appeared to be the next great NBA dynasty in the making with Michael Jordan in retirement. The media and advertising world fell for Hardaway, a bright, articulate young man with an even more impressive game. O'Neal had become taken with him when they worked on the movie "Blue Chips" together and recommended the Magic draft him. And Hardaway didn't disappoint, averaging more than 20 points, seven assists and four rebounds by his second season. He was as versatile of a performer as there was in the NBA. (一樣,說明Penny過去的風光日子) But Jordan returned, the Magic were swept out of the playoffs by the Bulls, O'Neal swept himself out of Orlando as a free agent to the Lakers and Hardaway and the Magic -- poof! -- disappeared. There were a couple of first-round playoff ousters, a .500 season, a coaching change that Hardaway was said to inspire, feuds with the media and a community frustrated over the decline of the then-model franchise. Hardaway seemed to regain his game in the strike-shortened 1998-99 season, p laying all 50 games and leading the Magic to a tie for first place. He averaged 15.8 points and more than five rebounds and five assists per game. (講到MJ退休,Shaq轉到湖人後的故事) The Suns came calling in the first flood of free agency under the new rules and Hardaway pocketed a maximum deal. He was to pair with Jason Kidd in a millenium backcourt to take the team and the league into the next century. The Suns would have their greatest playoff success since by defeating the defending champion San Antonio Spurs, who were without Tim Duncan, and going to the second round. But Kidd would miss much of that playoff run with an injury. (講到夢幻後場幹掉馬刺挺進第二輪的故事) And then Hardaway went down again for the next season, and there wouldn't be another chance. "They gave Jason and me one year to prove ourselves," Hardaway said. "After that one year, it was like, 'We're not waiting for you anymore. We're moving on as an organization.' I'm not being negative. It's what it is. No one thought I'd be able to come back after the injuries I had. People think I'm soft and bailed out on basketball. But it was five knee surgeries. ... It's not Frank's (Johnson) fault or Bryan's (Colangelo) fault. I worked my butt off to get where I am. The doctor said I was a medical marvel. (這裡說道夢幻後場被拆夥,以及球團的改組,以及他的腳傷的事,Penny在此不 對FJ和老柯表示任何意見,只覺得跟Jason拆夥不是他想要的) "I'm a team guy," Hardaway added. "I don't want to make any waves. I'm being the professional, but I have dreams and wishes, too. ... I want to have a shot at being Penny again. I feel I can't have it here. ... I still have the skills, and I have the maturity from learning this game. The storm should be over." "我不想搞破壞"penny說道 "我是個Team Player!,但是我也有自己的夢想和希望!! "我希望再次成為那個Penny"可是在這裡我沒辦法證明 我依然可以打好球!!這場風波是該結束的時候了!" -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: airpenny 來自: (11/22 17:39) ※ 編輯: airpenny 來自: (11/22 17:53)

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