Re: Penny的新聞

看板PHX-Suns (鳳凰城 太陽)作者 (=\)時間21年前 (2003/11/22 18:52), 編輯推噓2(200)
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不介意的話 稍微有幾點文意有點不太對的幫忙補充一下 我中文也不太好 不過會盡量表達出原文的意思的 :| ※ 引述《airpenny (MC Dr.Sun￾ ￾N￾ ￾ )》之銘言: : ※ 引述《Stoudemire (Amare~)》之銘言: : 我把全文整理補完: : Penny's two cents: Play me : PHOENIX -- Penny Hardaway got a new tattoo this summer. : It reads "The Storm is Over." : 鳳凰城的Penny Hardaway在這個夏天刺了一個新刺青:"The Storm is Over." : But the winds of doubt still haunt the former three-time, All-NBA player, : the LeBron James of a decade ago who is tethered to the bench in Phoenix, : a forgotten role player who wants people not only to remember who he was but : to know he can be someone again. : 但是這場風波尚未結束,依然困擾著這位過去三度的全明星球員,天才LeBron James的出 : 現,讓人們想到這位被繩子緊緊綁在鳳凰城板凳上的明星球員,這位被幾近遺忘的球員不僅想 : 要讓人們記起他,也要讓人們知道,他能夠再次成為"那個人" 原文可能是怕大家不知道Penny有多可怕 所以說Penny是十年前的Lebron James, 現在卻只是在Phoenix的板凳 : "It's been like a nightmare to me," Hardaway said. " : I'm in the best physical shape since I've been in Phoenix. I feel like I can : play point guard for any team in the league and average a double-double. : I still have a lot to offer. I have a window of opportunity. I'm 32 and I : have three or four great years of basketball left in me. I want a shot at : being the Penny Hardaway everyone knew five years ago, but I feel I can't : do that here. They've moved on here. They've got Joe Johnson and Casey Jacobsen and I : feel like the organization is kind of giving up on me and doesn't think I : can come around." : "這對我來說就像一場惡夢"Penny說道, : 我現在的身體狀況是我加入太陽隊以來最好的一年,我認為我可以為聯盟中的每隻球隊提供 : 控球後衛的戰力,我依然有足夠的機會去證明,我才32歲,我還有3到4年的籃球生命,再過去 : 五年來,我想要證明我是過去大家熟悉的Penny Hardaway,但在這裡(鳳凰城)我沒辦法,球隊 : 在加入了Joe Johnson和Casey Jacobsen以後,似乎放棄了我,而且認為我不能夠在有所作為 : Hardaway isn't exactly demanding a trade or going to make a fuss. He : appreciates the generous contract he got from the Suns, who pay him : $13.5 million this season and about $30 million additional through the : 2005-06 season. He knows no one feels sorry for rich basketball players, : so he's not seeking sympathy. Just the ball. : 記者說道Penny沒有要求被交易,只要求有球可打(中間說明他薪水的狀況) 記者語氣常常也很重要 所以雖然airpenny兄覺得是冗文 不過我還是大概翻一下 小哈並沒有確實想要求交易或是想吵鬧 他當然感激太陽隊這麼一大筆合約(今年一千三百五十萬,還有後兩年加起來的三千萬ꄊ 千萬﹞@直到2005-2006年為止 他瞭解一般不會有人對有錢的籃球原感到抱歉 所以他並不是要人同情. 只要球 : He once had it, and when he did, there were few better. He was All-NBA : first-team point guard in 1995 and 1996, a Magic Johnson-like player who : filled up the box score. With hops and one of the best advertising campaigns : ever, the Lil' Penny alter ego, he was the Next In Line. But Hardaway was : struck down by five knee operations, most of which he played through with : uneven results. The NBA moved on. : 說明他過去的風光(這大家都知道,不再多述) 難得美國這還有記者願意花寶貴的幾句話描述 所以我也翻出來爽一下 :| (如大夥所見,這是在espn記者在espn發表的文章, 版面很貴的咧~ :P) 他曾經擁有過,而當他有(球)時,沒有幾個人比他還好。 他曾是NBA第一隊的控衛兩次(1995,1996) 被視為一個會得分的Magic Johnson 還有史無前例成功的廣告小Penny的出現 (kart按:小Penny當時在美國的廣告真是紅到不行 台灣那時後看到的小Penny廣告大概數目是1/10左右) 在在都說明了他就是下一代接班人 但是Hardaway卻受制於五次膝蓋的手術 而大多數傷在他邊打邊療的結果並不好 而NBA的潮流並沒有等待他 : Hardaway doesn't have the explosiveness anymore, but he still can shoot, : pass and run a team. He says doctors have told him his healing is complete. : Penny如今已不再具有爆發力,但他依然可以投籃,傳球助攻,全場奔跑,醫生告訴他他的 : 健康已經沒有問題了 : "I don't want to retire early, sit on the bench and get a check," Hardaway said. : "I want to finish my career on a high note. I was as popular as you can be -- : All-NBA, Olympian. You couldn't get any higher than where I was. Now people : think I'm done and washed up. They think if you're coming off the bench it means : you can't play anymore. You get 14, 16 minutes, they figure you can't do : anything anymore. But it's not the case. I'm competitive, athletic and I feel : spry again. I can show that to people. I just don't feel I can do it with the : Suns." : "我不想提早退休,我過去曾是那麼的風光,我想要讓我nba生涯光榮的結束,而不是在板凳上 : 渡完餘生"Penny說道 ^^^^^^^^坐領乾薪 Penny並且認為以他當時的成就 第一隊,夢幻三隊成員等 很難有人能有更高的成就吧 但是人們確認為他的時代已經過去 : "現在人們認為我不行了,每場只能上來14,16分鐘跑跑龍套,但是事實並不是這樣!!我可以 : 再次展現我的活力,我的熱情,我的競爭力!!但在太陽,我沒辦法去證明" 原句小補:人們總認為如果你只能打打板凳 表示你大概也不行了 每場球打各14-16分鐘 他們認為你已經不能做任何事了 : Anyone need a point guard? : There's that money thing, $13.5 million this season, $14.6 million in 2004-05 : and $15.8 million in 2005-06. In this more economically aware era of the : NBA, teams are reluctant to take on big contracts, especially for players : averaging 5.6 points and 1.4 assists, as Hardaway was entering this week : 有人缺控球後衛嗎?? : 這是Penny薪資的問題(說明薪資)-->今年一千三百五十萬明年一千四百六十萬 後年一千五百八十萬 並且說明現在節省的NBA裡 會有人拿下這個大肥約 簽下5.6分1.4助攻的小哈嗎? : 特別是到這週為止,penny平均每場只有5.6分和1.4助攻 : But it's hard to to average double figures with about six shots a game and : playing 18 minutes, as Hardaway has this season as a forgotten man for the : struggling Suns. Hardaway knows what they say when you don't play and your : team doesn't win: There must be something wrong with him. He must be done : 但是在18分鐘內只有六次出手的機會下,是很難得到雙位數的分數的,這個球季,Penny : 是被太陽隊遺忘的人,有人說道,Penny沒球打,太陽就沒球贏,Penny也知道這點,太陽和 : Penny之間有某種誤會,他必需要上場讓球隊贏球 這個和原文差距比較大 我稍微重翻一下 但是要Hardaway這一季在18分鐘,平均出手六次 還能得個十幾分 在目前戰績不佳的太陽像各隱形人一樣被遺忘 小哈知道人們會說當你上場時間少球隊又輸球時 那一定是你這個傢伙有問題 一定是已經玩完了吧 : Like they said about Vin Baker. : 就像Vin Baker那樣 : "I was on one leg trying to survive," said Hardaway, who missed 24 games : last season but just two the season before after surgery. "When I was injured, : all the negative press was warranted. I deserved it. I was trying to be a team : guy, playing hurt. I never took two years off to try to get fully well like : Grant Hill. I was getting paid. I could have taken off. I wasn't able to run : full speed. I was in terrible pain. I endured all that. Now it's time for me : to go back to those glory days again. I can run and jump and score. Not : being able to prove it hurts the most. : "我試著用一隻腿繼續打球"Penny說道 : 過去Penny兩個球季因為手術錯過了24場比賽 : "當我受傷時,我承受著各方的指責和壓力,我試著當一個團隊球員,因為打球受傷,我不想 : 像G.Hill一樣休養幾個球季,我承受著這些壓力,人們說我該放棄了,說我跑不快跳不高, : 我很痛苦,並且忍受這全部的批評和指責"現在我想甩開過去這種灰色的日子,我想要再次證明 : 我還能跑能跳能得分." 「我曾經像是只用一隻腳在球場生存」去年少打24場 但是傷癒復出 後的前年只少打兩場的小哈說到「當我受傷時 所有對我的負面報導就像得到 保證一樣。好像我應得(這些負面報導)的。然而我試著去作一個硬漢, 受傷了還繼續打。我從來沒有像希爾一樣拿各兩整年來恢復。 我有在領薪。我可以(像希爾一樣)休息的。我的狀況不是百分百。 我傷腳總是很痛。我吞下了這些痛楚。現在應該就是我還能回到過去顛峰的時候。 我能跑能跳還能得分。傷我最深的是我沒有機會去證明了。」 : "I can play the game," Hardaway added. "I want my respect back. I'm happy for : Vin Baker. That's the type of story you want to hear, coming back and showing : everyone who was down on you. I worked my butt off to get back that old form : , but I'm not able to have the chance." : "我能夠打好球,我很高興Vin Baker的表現,回到場上證明自己,讓大家知道你回來了 : 我也想像Vin Baker一樣,但是我沒有個機會" 「我還能打」小哈補充「我希望能再重新獲得尊重。我很高興看到文貝克。 他的故事應該是你們所願意聽到的,重新回到球場並且秀給那些 對你喪失信心的人看。我很努力的維持我顛峰時期的狀態, 只是我並沒有這樣的機會去表現了。」 : So is it real or is it just a memory? : Hardaway was something to behold when he and Shaquille O'Neal went to the NBA : Finals in just his second NBA season. They appeared to be the next great NBA : dynasty in the making with Michael Jordan in retirement. The media and : advertising world fell for Hardaway, a bright, articulate young man with an : even more impressive game. O'Neal had become taken with him when they worked : on the movie "Blue Chips" together and recommended the Magic draft him. And : Hardaway didn't disappoint, averaging more than 20 points, seven assists and : four rebounds by his second season. He was as versatile of a performer as : there was in the NBA. : (一樣,說明Penny過去的風光日子) 並且約略提到小哈與歐肥的崛起 以及他們當時的風光 並說到小哈和歐肥還一起拍了小哈唯一的電影「blue chips」 : But Jordan returned, the Magic were swept out of the playoffs by the Bulls, : O'Neal swept himself out of Orlando as a free agent to the Lakers and Hardaway : and the Magic -- poof! -- disappeared. There were a couple of first-round : playoff ousters, a .500 season, a coaching change that Hardaway was said to : inspire, feuds with the media and a community frustrated over the decline of : the then-model franchise. 說到小哈和歐肥的決裂以及一些小哈和媒體及社區關係不好的因果 : Hardaway seemed to regain his game in the strike-shortened 1998-99 season, p : laying all 50 games and leading the Magic to a tie for first place. He averaged : 15.8 points and more than five rebounds and five assists per game. : (講到MJ退休,Shaq轉到湖人後的故事) 說到即使沒有歐肥 小哈依然跌破大家眼鏡帶領魔術 在?-99縮短球季以東區最佳戰績出線 : The Suns came calling in the first flood of free agency under the new rules : and Hardaway pocketed a maximum deal. He was to pair with Jason Kidd in a : millenium backcourt to take the team and the league into the next century. : The Suns would have their greatest playoff success since by defeating the : defending champion San Antonio Spurs, who were without Tim Duncan, and going : to the second round. But Kidd would miss much of that playoff run with an : injury. : (講到夢幻後場幹掉馬刺挺進第二輪的故事) 還提到一些太陽當初是在第一波和小哈接觸的free agent裡面 給了小哈當時的最高合約(kart按:現在想其來真是) 說到小哈在kidd大部分受傷的狀況下帶領太陽近幾年來最成功的一次季後賽 : And then Hardaway went down again for the next season, and there wouldn't be : another chance. : "They gave Jason and me one year to prove ourselves," Hardaway said. "After : that one year, it was like, 'We're not waiting for you anymore. We're moving : on as an organization.' I'm not being negative. It's what it is. No one thought : I'd be able to come back after the injuries I had. People think I'm soft and : bailed out on basketball. But it was five knee surgeries. ... It's not Frank's : (Johnson) fault or Bryan's (Colangelo) fault. I worked my butt off to get where : I am. The doctor said I was a medical marvel. : (這裡說道夢幻後場被拆夥,以及球團的改組,以及他的腳傷的事,Penny在此不 : 對FJ和老柯表示任何意見,只覺得跟Jason拆夥不是他想要的) 小哈在下一季再度因傷泡湯了,而且也不再有另一次機會(證明自己)。 「他們給了積德和我一年去證明我們,」小哈說。「在那一年後, 他們意思就像是,「我們不想再等你了,整個隊要有自己的進展。」 我不想只會抱怨。事實就是如此。沒有人認為在經歷如此的受傷後我還能再打。 人們認為我軟弱而且不應再打球。但是這是五個膝蓋手術阿.... 這不是教練或老闆的錯。我也很認真的復原到現在為止。 醫生都說我是醫學奇蹟!」 : "I'm a team guy," Hardaway added. "I don't want to make any waves. : I'm being the professional, but I have dreams and wishes, too. ... : I want to have a shot at being Penny again. I feel I can't have it here. ... : I still have the skills, and I have the maturity from learning this game. : The storm should be over." : "我不想搞破壞"penny說道 : "我是個Team Player!,但是我也有自己的夢想和希望!! : "我希望再次成為那個Penny"可是在這裡我沒辦法證明 : 我依然可以打好球!!這場風波是該結束的時候了!" 「我是以團隊為重的人,」小哈補充。「我不想搞什麼有的沒的。 我是專業球員,但是我也有我的夢想和希望... 我想要再有一次證明我還能像以前一樣打球的機會。 我感覺我在這裡不會有這樣的機會... 我依然有技巧,而這些年來我也有成熟的打球態度。 暴風雨應該過去了才對阿。」 翻譯完突然有一點想哭的感覺 :| 可憐的小哈 =( -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

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