看板Aerobics (有氧運動 - 瘦身)作者 (Never Give Up !)時間18年前 (2006/06/22 00:17), 編輯推噓1(101)
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原文恕刪 ~~ 話說我第一次看到這個 , 是在某一天的 "I guess I guess I guess guess guess" , 某位男生現場表演了這個 , 哇 !!!! 真的是很棒的表演 ~~ "Capoeira" 是舞蹈 , 是武術也是藝術 ~ 是很美的一個作品耶 ~ 但相對的難度也很高 , 而且以我現在的年紀 (27) 也沒辦法學了 ... 只能純欣賞 ~ 但它真的是很美 ~~ 我在讀書會還有報告這個哦 ~ 給大家參考看看 ~ 內容其實大同小異啦 ~~ Capoeira As in the United States, there was also slavery in Brazil. The slaves were put to work in the plantations where sugar and tobacco were the main crops and the demand for slave labor was at an all-time high. During the history of the slave trade, it is estimated that more than two million slaves were brought to Brazil from Africa. They were brought to the port of Bahia. These captive Africans created the earliest form of Capoeira, a martial art, to increase their chances for liberty and independence. On the pretence of dance and religious gatherings, they practiced fighting techniques. Capoeira became an art form through which many liberated themselves. In Pernambuco, a group of forty slaves used Capoeira to rebel against their master and burn the plantation house. They then set themselves free and headed for the mountains. Eventually they reached what they thought was a safe place and named it Palmares, due to the abundance of palm trees. In this place, an African community was born, it lasted nearly a century and grew to a population of more than twenty thousand. These slaves came from different regions of Africa and thus had different cultures. Here, tribes that were enemies in Africa, united to fight for a common goal. After slavery was abolished on May 13, 1888, the planters no longer had interest in the ex-slaves as a work force, so most of them entered the cities and formed slums and shantytowns. There was no employment. Many became criminals and used their knowledge of Capoeira on their victims. Eventually, a rigid penal code was initiated stating that any person who was a known capoeirista (anyone who practices the art) would be banished. The law that prohibited the practice of Capoeira was still in effect until 1920, and its practice disguised as a "folk dance." In their hidden places, capoeiristas did their best to keep the tradition alive, and by presenting it as a folk art, they made Capoeira more acceptable in society. In those years it was very common for a capoeirista to have two or three nicknames. The police knew all of them by these names and not by their real identity, so it made it much more difficult to arrest them. This tradition has endured and is still practiced in academies today. When a person is "baptized" into the practice of Capoeira, they are given a nickname. In 1937 Mestre Bimba, one of the most renown masters of Capoeira, received an invitation from the president to demonstrate his art in the nation's capital. After a successful performance, he went back to his home state of Bahia and, with the government's permission, opened the first Capoeira academy in Brazil. It was the first step towards a more open development. Years later, the senate passed a bill establishing Capoeira as a national sport. Today, Capoeira can be seen and learned all around the world. -- Hello ~~ ! Welcome to My Blog ---> -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

06/22 07:35, , 1F
警衛! 警衛! 把這個沒翻成中文的人拖出去!!
06/22 07:35, 1F

06/22 07:39, , 2F
06/22 07:39, 2F
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