[閒聊] 身為F1車手,希望大家怎麼記得你?

看板FORMULA1 (F1 賽車)作者 (angel)時間16年前 (2009/04/05 21:25), 編輯推噓10(1001)
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花了點時間逛BBC,覺得這個問題很能看出各車手的個性。 大家看看就好囉!不要戰我啊:P 資料來源:BBC Driver's test 問題: How would you like to be remembered as an F1 driver? 眾家車手回答 最近滿面春風,擁有一個堅強團隊的Button: As a world champion and someone who worked very hard to build a strong team. 堅毅不屈的老巴: A persistent man who won in the end. 很悶的Massa: I would love to be remembered as a world champion. 改吃雪糕且已經盡力的Kimi: As someone who gave his best. 髮線越來越高的Kubica: I don't care. 福星高照的Heidfeld: As a world champion. 下巴越來越厚,講話越來越謙遜的Alonso: Hopefully as a great champion. 像爸爸看齊的Piquet Jr: As a world champion like my father. 很黑的Hamilton: As one of the best. 運氣很不好的Heikki(很欣賞他的回答): As a true fighter, never giving up and fighting until the end. 奉獻黃金時光給Toyota的Trulli: As the man who gave Toyota its greatest time in F1. 愛算術的Glock: As someone who has won loads of championships. How many? I don't know, eight, nine, 10 - I have to beat Michael (Schumacher) in Germany. 真誠的眼鏡哥Bourdais: I don't care if I'm going to be remembered, I just want to feel like I've given my very best and been judged upon that - and not on the 2008 season, which was a bit sketchy. 好純真的Buemi: As someone who achieved a lot of good results and victories. Many world titles would also be good! 已經盡力的Webber: As someone who was quick and always gave his best. 前景看好的Vettel: I don't care what other people think as long as I am happy. The day I die or retire, I have blown all my chances because I don't have the chance anymore to change my image as a F1 driver. 與眾不同的Rosberg: As unique. 崇拜老爸的Nakajima: I just want to be myself and do the best I possibly can. To be a world champion would be the best thing but it's a very difficult job. I feel proud of my father (Satoru Nakajima) as he was the first Japanese driver to complete full-time in F1 but it's not really important for me to follow in his footsteps. 愛冒險的Sutil: As somebody who takes a risk. 想當好人的Fisichella: As a nice guy. ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: angelica 來自: (04/05 21:28)

04/05 21:28, , 1F
眼鏡哥! 眼鏡哥!
04/05 21:28, 1F

04/05 21:31, , 2F
04/05 21:31, 2F

04/05 21:32, , 3F
As a nice guy......卡 (遞)
04/05 21:32, 3F

04/05 21:32, , 4F
fisico的好好笑.... 囡囝囚(遞)
04/05 21:32, 4F

04/05 21:42, , 5F
04/05 21:42, 5F

04/05 21:49, , 6F
As a true fighter << 純種戰士!
04/05 21:49, 6F

04/05 21:53, , 7F
04/05 21:53, 7F

04/05 21:55, , 8F
科科這個BBC我有貼過 把SB的翻譯出來嚕
04/05 21:55, 8F

04/05 22:02, , 9F
As a sex sucker....
04/05 22:02, 9F

04/05 22:56, , 10F
04/05 22:56, 10F

04/05 23:27, , 11F
大推這篇,從回答看車手的個性 //那些don't care的也很帥
04/05 23:27, 11F
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