[閒聊] 林一民:《靜坐法提要》(英文篇)
If you want to practice "meditation" you should
choose a place where the air has a good circulation.Yet
you shouldn't let the wind blows directly on your body.
Then, place your cushion at a suitable place and you can
start your sitting.
You must choose a suitable posture. "double-folded"
"single-folded" or "ordinary sitting" will do.
(Chap 7 can serve as a reference). If you choose double-
folding, you must use a cushion. It should be made of
rush or you'11 just use a blanket as a mat. But you should
keep in mind that your buttocks should be heightened
3 inches. If you sit ordinarily, then your feet should
reach vertically to the ground and this will be suitable
No matter what kind of a posture you choose, your
head and body should always keep straight. Your ears
and shoulders should be paralled and your nose and
navel be perpendicular. Your chest should neither stick
too far out or concave, but should keep naturally straight.
Relax your shoulders and let then drop naturally.
The front of your tongue should touch your upper palate.
Place your hands on your knees and be careful to
keep all your postures right. Then, place a piece of
paper 1 ft. in front of your navel. On the paper there
should be a black circle about 1 inch in diameter.
First open or half close your eyes and watch the circle.
After 1 or 2 minutes, close your eyes and think concentrately
of the circle. (Chap. 6 can be a reference).
With this, the sitting will begin.
The new learners should at least sit for 20 minutes and
then gradually increase time.
After the sitting, when you want to leave, don't
open your eyes immediately and stand up. You should
first swallow slowly the water in your mouth into your
belly. While doing this, think of your "pubic region".
After swallowing the water, use your hands and rub
your knees 12 times. Then rub your hands till they are
warm and use the warm hands and rub your "chenn-ju"
or your hind-waist. When you rub, use your middle
finger to press and rub the "os saerum". Then your face
12 times with your hands and then the sides of your
throat 12 times downward. Use your navel as a center,
your left hand rightware, right hand leftward, and rub 12
times arc-shaped.
Then, straighten your left leg, place your left palm
on the outside of the leg and rub upward, at the same
time put your right palm on the inside of the leg and
rub downward 12 times. Then change to the right leg
and rub the outside upward with your right palm, the
inside downward with your left palm 12 times. Finally
use your right hand and rub your left foot center 36
times, your left hand and rub your right foot center 36
times (first left then right).
Then, knock lightly your teeth 36 times, press
your hands on your ears, press the external ears in your
plams, Use both your index fingers to rub the backs of
your middle fingers, then slip from the backs and knock
down at the headbones raising behind the ears (both
hands together). Do this 24 times.
After finishing the above actions, you can then
gradually open your eyes and stand slowly up. Then
walk slowly in your room for 128 steps. (Chap. 8 can
be a reference).
double-folded 雙盤 pubic region 丹田
single-folded 單盤 chenn-ju 腎俞穴
ordinary sitting 平坐 os saerum 仙椎骨
※ 編輯: ilanese 來自: (04/30 22:47)
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